
168 lines
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# Project source code URL:
matrix_coturn_enabled: true
matrix_coturn_container_image_self_build: false
matrix_coturn_container_image_self_build_repo: ""
matrix_coturn_container_image_self_build_repo_version: "docker/{{ matrix_coturn_version }}"
matrix_coturn_container_image_self_build_repo_dockerfile_path: "docker/coturn/alpine/Dockerfile"
matrix_coturn_version: 4.6.2-r5
matrix_coturn_docker_image: "{{ matrix_coturn_docker_image_name_prefix }}coturn/coturn:{{ matrix_coturn_version }}-alpine"
matrix_coturn_docker_image_name_prefix: "{{ 'localhost/' if matrix_coturn_container_image_self_build else matrix_container_global_registry_prefix }}"
matrix_coturn_docker_image_force_pull: "{{ matrix_coturn_docker_image.endswith(':latest') }}"
# The Docker network that Coturn would be put into.
# Because Coturn relays traffic to unvalidated IP addresses,
# using a dedicated network, isolated from other Docker (and local) services is preferrable.
# Setting up deny/allow rules with `matrix_coturn_allowed_peer_ips`/`matrix_coturn_denied_peer_ips` is also
# possible for achieving such isolation, but is more complicated due to the dynamic nature of Docker networking.
# Setting `matrix_coturn_docker_network` to 'host' will run the container with host networking,
# which will drastically improve performance when thousands of ports are opened due to Docker not having to set up forwarding rules for each port.
# Running with host networking can be dangerous, as it potentially exposes your local network and its services to Coturn peers.
# Regardless of the networking mode, we apply a deny list which via `matrix_coturn_denied_peer_ips`,
# which hopefully prevents access to such private network ranges.
# When running in host-networking mode, you need to adjust the firewall yourself, so that ports are opened.
matrix_coturn_docker_network: "matrix-coturn"
matrix_coturn_base_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/coturn"
matrix_coturn_docker_src_files_path: "{{ matrix_coturn_base_path }}/docker-src"
matrix_coturn_config_path: "{{ matrix_coturn_base_path }}/turnserver.conf"
# List of systemd services that matrix-coturn.service depends on
matrix_coturn_systemd_required_services_list: ['docker.service']
# A list of additional "volumes" to mount in the container.
# This list gets populated dynamically at runtime. You can provide a different default value,
# if you wish to mount your own files into the container.
# Contains definition objects like this: `{"type": "bind", "src": "/outside", "dst": "/inside", "options": "readonly"}.
# See the `--mount` documentation for the `docker run` command.
matrix_coturn_container_additional_volumes: []
# A list of extra arguments to pass to the container
matrix_coturn_container_extra_arguments: []
# Controls whether the Coturn container exposes its plain STUN port (tcp/3478 and udp/3478 in the container).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
matrix_coturn_container_stun_plain_host_bind_port: "{{ '3478' if matrix_coturn_docker_network != 'host' else '' }}"
# Controls whether the Coturn container exposes its TLS STUN port (tcp/5349 and udp/5349 in the container).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
matrix_coturn_container_stun_tls_host_bind_port: "{{ '5349' if matrix_coturn_docker_network != 'host' else '' }}"
# Controls whether the Coturn container exposes its TURN UDP port range and which interface to do it on.
# Takes an interface "<ip address>" (e.g. ""), or empty string to listen on all interfaces.
# Takes a null/none value (`~`) or 'none' (as a string) to prevent listening.
# The UDP port-range itself is specified using `matrix_coturn_turn_udp_min_port` and `matrix_coturn_turn_udp_max_port`.
matrix_coturn_container_turn_range_listen_interface: "{{ '' if matrix_coturn_docker_network != 'host' else 'none' }}"
# UDP port-range to use for TURN
matrix_coturn_turn_udp_min_port: 49152
matrix_coturn_turn_udp_max_port: 49172
# A shared secret (between Synapse and Coturn) used for authentication.
# You can put any string here, but generating a strong one is preferred (e.g. `pwgen -s 64 1`).
matrix_coturn_turn_static_auth_secret: ""
# The external IP address of the machine where Coturn is.
# If do not define an IP address here or in `matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_addresses`, auto-detection via an EchoIP service will be done.
# See `matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address_auto_detection_enabled`
matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address: ''
matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_addresses: "{{ [matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address] if matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address != '' else [] }}"
# Controls whether external IP address auto-detection should be attempted.
# We try to do this if there is no external IP address explicitly configured and if an EchoIP service URL is specified.
# See matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address_auto_detection_echoip_service_url
matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address_auto_detection_enabled: "{{ matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_addresses | length == 0 and matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address_auto_detection_echoip_service_url != '' }}"
# Specifies the address of the EchoIP service ( to use for detecting the external IP address.
# By default, we use the official public instance.
# Controls whether SSL certificates will be validated when contacting the EchoIP service (matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address_auto_detection_echoip_service_url)
matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address_auto_detection_echoip_validate_certs: true
matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address_auto_detection_echoip_service_retries_count: "{{ devture_playbook_help_geturl_retries_count }}"
matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address_auto_detection_echoip_service_retries_delay: "{{ devture_playbook_help_geturl_retries_delay }}"
matrix_coturn_allowed_peer_ips: []
# We block loopback interfaces and private networks by default to prevent private resources from being accessible.
# This is especially important when Coturn does not run within a container network (e.g. `matrix_coturn_docker_network: host`).
# Learn more:
# If you're running Coturn for local network peers, you may wish to override these rules.
- ::1
- 64:ff9b::-64:ff9b::ffff:ffff
- ::ffff:
- 100::-100::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
- 2001::-2001:1ff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
- 2002::-2002:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
- fc00::-fdff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
- fe80::-febf:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
matrix_coturn_user_quota: null
matrix_coturn_total_quota: null
# Controls whether `no-tcp-relay` is added to the configuration
# Learn more here:
matrix_coturn_no_tcp_relay_enabled: true
# Controls whether `no-multicast-peers` is added to the configuration
# Learn more here:
matrix_coturn_no_multicast_peers_enabled: true
# Controls whether `no-rfc5780` is added to the configuration
# Learn more here:
matrix_coturn_no_rfc5780_enabled: true
# Controls whether `no-stun-backward-compatibility` is added to the configuration
# Learn more here:
matrix_coturn_no_stun_backward_compatibility_enabled: true
# Controls whether `response-origin-only-with-rfc5780` is added to the configuration
# Learn more here:
matrix_coturn_response_origin_only_with_rfc5780_enabled: true
# Additional configuration to be passed to turnserver.conf
# Example:
# matrix_coturn_additional_configuration: |
# simple-log
# aux-server=
# relay-ip=
matrix_coturn_additional_configuration: ''
# To enable TLS, you need to provide paths to certificates.
# Paths defined in `matrix_coturn_tls_cert_path` and `matrix_coturn_tls_key_path` are in-container paths.
# Files on the host can be mounted into the container using `matrix_coturn_container_additional_volumes`.
matrix_coturn_tls_enabled: false
matrix_coturn_tls_cert_path: ~
matrix_coturn_tls_key_path: ~
matrix_coturn_tls_v1_enabled: false
matrix_coturn_tls_v1_1_enabled: false