2021-03-16 21:52:26 +08:00

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# The bare domain name which represents your Matrix identity.
# Matrix user ids for your server will be of the form (`@user:<matrix-domain>`).
# Note: this playbook does not touch the server referenced here.
# Installation happens on another server ("matrix.<matrix-domain>", see `matrix_server_fqn_matrix`).
# Example value:
matrix_domain: ~
# This is where your data lives and what we set up.
# This and the Element FQN (see below) are expected to be on the same server.
matrix_server_fqn_matrix: "matrix.{{ matrix_domain }}"
# This is where you access the Element web UI from (if enabled via matrix_client_element_enabled; enabled by default).
# This and the Matrix FQN (see above) are expected to be on the same server.
matrix_server_fqn_element: "element.{{ matrix_domain }}"
# This is where you access the Dimension.
matrix_server_fqn_dimension: "dimension.{{ matrix_domain }}"
# For use with Go-NEB! (github callback url for example)
matrix_server_fqn_bot_go_neb: "goneb.{{ matrix_domain }}"
# This is where you access Jitsi.
matrix_server_fqn_jitsi: "jitsi.{{ matrix_domain }}"
# This is where you access Grafana.
matrix_server_fqn_grafana: "stats.{{ matrix_domain }}"
matrix_federation_public_port: 8448
# The architecture that your server runs.
# Recognized values by us are 'amd64', 'arm32' and 'arm64'.
# Not all architectures support all services, so your experience (on non-amd64) may vary.
# See docs/
matrix_architecture: amd64
# The architecture for Debian packages.
# See:
# We just remap from our `matrix_architecture` values to what Debian and possibly other distros call things.
matrix_debian_arch: "{{ 'armhf' if matrix_architecture == 'arm32' else matrix_architecture }}"
matrix_user_username: "matrix"
matrix_user_groupname: "matrix"
# By default, the playbook creates the user (`matrix_user_username`)
# and group (`matrix_user_groupname`) with a random id.
# To use a specific user/group id, override these variables.
matrix_user_uid: ~
matrix_user_gid: ~
matrix_base_data_path: "/matrix"
matrix_base_data_path_mode: "750"
matrix_static_files_base_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/static-files"
matrix_systemd_path: "/etc/systemd/system"
# Specifies the path to use for the `HOME` environment variable for systemd unit files.
# Docker 20.10 complains with `WARNING: Error loading config file: .dockercfg: $HOME is not defined`
# if `$HOME` is not defined, so we define something to make it happy.
matrix_systemd_unit_home_path: /root
# This is now unused. We keep it so that cleanup tasks can use it.
# To be removed in the future.
matrix_cron_path: "/etc/cron.d"
matrix_local_bin_path: "/usr/local/bin"
matrix_host_command_docker: "/usr/bin/env docker"
matrix_host_command_sleep: "/usr/bin/env sleep"
matrix_host_command_chown: "/usr/bin/env chown"
matrix_host_command_fusermount: "/usr/bin/env fusermount"
matrix_host_command_openssl: "/usr/bin/env openssl"
matrix_host_command_systemctl: "/usr/bin/env systemctl"
matrix_host_command_sh: "/usr/bin/env sh"
matrix_ntpd_package: "ntp"
matrix_ntpd_service: "{{ 'ntpd' if ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' or ansible_distribution == 'Archlinux' else 'ntp' }}"
matrix_homeserver_url: "https://{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}"
# Specifies where the homeserver is on the container network.
# Where this is depends on whether there's a reverse-proxy in front of it, etc.
# This likely gets overriden elsewhere.
matrix_homeserver_container_url: "http://matrix-synapse:8008"
matrix_identity_server_url: ~
matrix_integration_manager_rest_url: ~
matrix_integration_manager_ui_url: ~
# The domain name where a Jitsi server is self-hosted.
# If set, `/.well-known/matrix/client` will suggest Element clients to use that Jitsi server.
# See:
matrix_client_element_jitsi_preferredDomain: ''
# Controls whether Element should use End-to-End Encryption by default.
# Setting this to false will update `/.well-known/matrix/client` and tell Element clients to avoid E2EE.
# See:
matrix_client_element_e2ee_default: true
# Controls whether Element should require a secure backup set up before Element can be used.
# Setting this to true will update `/.well-known/matrix/client` and tell Element require a secure backup.
# See:
matrix_client_element_e2ee_secure_backup_required: false
# Controls which backup methods from ["key", "passphrase"] should be used, both is the default.
# Setting this to other then empty will update `/.well-known/matrix/client` and tell Element which method to use
# See:
matrix_client_element_e2ee_secure_backup_setup_methods: []
# The Docker network that all services would be put into
matrix_docker_network: "matrix"
# Controls whether we'll preserve the vars.yml file on the Matrix server.
# If you have a differently organized inventory, you may wish to disable this feature,
# or to repoint `matrix_vars_yml_snapshotting_src` to the file you'd like to preserve.
matrix_vars_yml_snapshotting_enabled: true
matrix_vars_yml_snapshotting_src: "{{ inventory_dir }}/host_vars/{{ inventory_hostname }}/vars.yml"
# Controls whether a `/.well-known/matrix/server` file is generated and used at all.
# If you wish to rely on DNS SRV records only, you can disable this.
# Using DNS SRV records implies that you'll be handling Matrix Federation API traffic (tcp/8448)
# using certificates for the base domain (`matrix_domain`) and not for the
# matrix domain (`matrix_server_fqn_matrix`).
matrix_well_known_matrix_server_enabled: true
# Controls whether Docker is automatically installed.
# If you change this to false you must install and update Docker manually. You also need to install the docker ( Python package.
matrix_docker_installation_enabled: true
# Controls the Docker package that is installed.
# Possible values are "docker-ce" (default) and "" (Debian).
matrix_docker_package_name: docker-ce
# Variables to Control which parts of our roles run.
run_postgres_import: true
run_postgres_upgrade: true
run_postgres_import_sqlite_db: true
run_postgres_vacuum: true
run_synapse_register_user: true
run_synapse_update_user_password: true
run_synapse_import_media_store: true
run_synapse_rust_synapse_compress_state: true
run_setup: true
run_self_check: true
run_start: true
run_stop: true