jakicoll 42e4e50f5b Matrix Authentication Support for Jitsi
This extends the collection with support for seamless authentication at the Jitsi server using Matrix OpenID.

1. New role for installing the [Matrix User Verification Service](
2. Changes to Jitsi role: Installing Jitsi Prosody Mods and configuring Jitsi Auth
3. Changes to Jitsi and nginx-proxy roles: Serving .well-known/element/jitsi from jitsi.DOMAIN
4. We updated the Jitsi documentation on authentication and added documentation for the user verification service.
2023-01-04 14:27:16 +01:00

82 lines
4.4 KiB

# Set this to the display name for ansible used in Output e.g. fail_msg
matrix_user_verification_service_ansible_name: "Matrix User Verification Service"
# Enable by default. This is overwritten in provided group vars.
matrix_user_verification_service_enabled: true
# Fix version tag
matrix_user_verification_service_version: "v2.0.0"
# Paths
matrix_user_verification_service_base_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/user-verification-service"
# We need the docker src directory to be named user_verification_service. See:
matrix_user_verification_service_docker_src_files_path: "{{ matrix_user_verification_service_base_path }}/docker-src/user-verification-service"
matrix_user_verification_service_config_path: "{{ matrix_user_verification_service_base_path }}/config"
matrix_user_verification_service_config_env_file: "{{ matrix_user_verification_service_config_path }}/.env"
# Set this to true in order to not use the docker image from docker hub, but rather build locally
matrix_user_verification_service_container_image_self_build: false
matrix_user_verification_service_container_image_self_build_repo: ""
matrix_user_verification_service_container_image_self_build_branch: "{{ matrix_user_verification_service_version }}"
# Docker
matrix_user_verification_service_docker_image_name_prefix: "{{ 'localhost/' if matrix_user_verification_service_container_image_self_build else matrix_container_global_registry_prefix }}"
matrix_user_verification_service_docker_image: "{{ matrix_user_verification_service_docker_image_name_prefix }}matrixdotorg/matrix-user-verification-service:{{ matrix_user_verification_service_version }}"
matrix_user_verification_service_docker_image_force_pull: "{{ matrix_user_verification_service_docker_image.endswith(':latest') }}"
matrix_user_verification_service_container_name: "matrix-user-verification-service"
# Normally this would run on port 3000 however that may conflict with grafana. It is thus advised to change this port.
matrix_user_verification_service_container_extra_arguments: []
# Systemd
matrix_user_verification_service_systemd_required_services_list: []
matrix_user_verification_service_systemd_wanted_services_list: []
matrix_user_verification_service_systemd_service_basename: "matrix-user-verification-service"
matrix_user_verification_service_systemd_service_name: "{{ matrix_user_verification_service_systemd_service_basename }}.service"
# Matrix User Verification Service Configuration
# Homeserver client API admin token (synapse only)- Required for the service to verify room membership
# matrix_user_verification_service_uvs_access_token:
# homeserver client api url
# matrix_user_verification_service_uvs_homeserver_url: ""
# disable check for non private ip range of homeserver. e.g. set to `true` if your homeserver domain resolves to a private ip.
matrix_user_verification_service_uvs_disable_ip_blacklist: false
# Auth token to protect the API
# If this is set any calls to the provided API endpoints
# need have the header "Authorization: Bearer changeme".
# matrix_user_verification_service_uvs_auth_token: changeme
# Matrix server name to verify OpenID tokens against. See below section.
# Defaults to empty value which means verification is made against
# whatever Matrix server name passed in with the token
# matrix_user_verification_service_uvs_openid_verify_server_name:
# Log level, defaults to 'info'
# See choices here:
# matrix_user_verification_service_uvs_log_level: info
##### #####
##### Variables used in this role which are not set by this role #####
##### #####
# matrix_user_username
# matrix_user_groupname
# matrix_user_uid
# matrix_user_gid
# matrix_container_global_registry_prefix
# matrix_docker_network
# devture_systemd_docker_base_systemd_path
# devture_systemd_docker_base_systemd_unit_home_path
# devture_systemd_docker_base_host_command_sh
# devture_systemd_docker_base_host_command_docker