Slavi Pantaleev 85a05f38e8 Allow Synapse worker list to be generated dynamically
This leads to much easier management and potential safety
features (validation). In the future, we could try to avoid port
conflicts as well, but it didn't seem worth the effort to do it now.
Our port ranges seem large enough.

This can also pave the way for a "presets" feature
(similar to `matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_presets`) which makes it even easier
for people to configure worker counts.
2021-02-15 11:25:35 +02:00

523 lines
25 KiB

# Synapse is a Matrix homeserver
# See:
matrix_synapse_enabled: true
matrix_synapse_container_image_self_build: false
matrix_synapse_container_image_self_build_repo: ""
matrix_synapse_docker_image: "{{ matrix_synapse_docker_image_name_prefix }}matrixdotorg/synapse:{{ matrix_synapse_docker_image_tag }}"
matrix_synapse_docker_image_name_prefix: "{{ 'localhost/' if matrix_synapse_container_image_self_build else '' }}"
# The if statement below may look silly at times (leading to the same version being returned),
# but ARM-compatible container images are only released 1-7 hours after a release,
# so we may often be on different versions for different architectures when new Synapse releases come out.
matrix_synapse_docker_image_tag: "{{ 'v1.26.0' if matrix_architecture == 'amd64' else 'v1.26.0' }}"
matrix_synapse_docker_image_force_pull: "{{ matrix_synapse_docker_image.endswith(':latest') }}"
matrix_synapse_base_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/synapse"
matrix_synapse_docker_src_files_path: "{{ matrix_synapse_base_path }}/docker-src"
matrix_synapse_config_dir_path: "{{ matrix_synapse_base_path }}/config"
matrix_synapse_storage_path: "{{ matrix_synapse_base_path }}/storage"
matrix_synapse_media_store_path: "{{ matrix_synapse_storage_path }}/media-store"
matrix_synapse_ext_path: "{{ matrix_synapse_base_path }}/ext"
# Controls whether the matrix-synapse container exposes the Client/Server API port (tcp/8008 in the container).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
matrix_synapse_container_client_api_host_bind_port: ''
# Controls whether the matrix-synapse container exposes the plain (unencrypted) Server/Server (Federation) API port (tcp/8048 in the container).
# Takes effect only if federation is enabled (matrix_synapse_federation_enabled).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
matrix_synapse_container_federation_api_plain_host_bind_port: ''
# Controls whether the matrix-synapse container exposes the tls (encrypted) Server/Server (Federation) API port (tcp/8448 in the container).
# Takes effect only if federation is enabled (matrix_synapse_federation_enabled)
# and TLS support is enabled (matrix_synapse_tls_federation_listener_enabled).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. "8448"), or empty string to not expose.
matrix_synapse_container_federation_api_tls_host_bind_port: ''
# Controls whether the matrix-synapse container exposes the metrics port (tcp/9100 in the container).
# Takes effect only if metrics are enabled (matrix_synapse_metrics_enabled).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
matrix_synapse_container_metrics_api_host_bind_port: ''
# Controls whether the matrix-synapse container exposes the manhole port (tcp/9000 in the container).
# Takes effect only if the manhole is enabled (matrix_synapse_manhole_enabled).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
matrix_synapse_container_manhole_api_host_bind_port: ''
# A list of extra arguments to pass to the container
matrix_synapse_container_extra_arguments: []
# List of systemd services that matrix-synapse.service depends on
matrix_synapse_systemd_required_services_list: ['docker.service']
# List of systemd services that matrix-synapse.service wants
matrix_synapse_systemd_wanted_services_list: []
matrix_synapse_in_container_python_packages_path: "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages"
# Specifies which template files to use when configuring Synapse.
# If you'd like to have your own different configuration, feel free to copy and paste
# the original files into your inventory (e.g. in `inventory/host_vars/<host>/`)
# and then change the specific host's `vars.yaml` file like this:
# matrix_synapse_template_synapse_homeserver: "{{ playbook_dir }}/inventory/host_vars/<host>/homeserver.yaml.j2"
matrix_synapse_template_synapse_homeserver: "{{ role_path }}/templates/synapse/homeserver.yaml.j2"
matrix_synapse_template_synapse_log: "{{ role_path }}/templates/synapse/synapse.log.config.j2"
matrix_synapse_macaroon_secret_key: ""
matrix_synapse_registration_shared_secret: "{{ matrix_synapse_macaroon_secret_key }}"
matrix_synapse_allow_guest_access: false
matrix_synapse_form_secret: "{{ matrix_synapse_macaroon_secret_key }}"
matrix_synapse_max_upload_size_mb: 50
# The tmpfs at /tmp needs to be large enough to handle multiple concurrent file uploads.
matrix_synapse_tmp_directory_size_mb: "{{ matrix_synapse_max_upload_size_mb * 50 }}"
# Log levels
# Possible options are defined here
# warning: setting log level to DEBUG will make synapse log sensitive information such
# as access tokens.
# Increasing verbosity may lead to an excessive amount of log messages being generated,
# some of which may get dropped by systemd-journald on certain distributions (like CentOS 7).
# You can work around it by adding `RateLimitInterval=0` and `RateLimitBurst=0` under `[Storage]` in
# `/etc/systemd/journald.conf` and restarting the logging service (`systemctl restart systemd-journald`).
matrix_synapse_log_level: "WARNING"
matrix_synapse_storage_sql_log_level: "WARNING"
matrix_synapse_root_log_level: "WARNING"
# Rate limits
per_second: 0.2
burst_count: 10
per_second: 0.17
burst_count: 3
per_second: 0.17
burst_count: 3
per_second: 0.17
burst_count: 3
per_second: 0.17
burst_count: 3
per_second: 1
burst_count: 50
per_second: 0.1
burst_count: 3
per_second: 0.01
burst_count: 3
window_size: 1000
sleep_limit: 10
sleep_delay: 500
reject_limit: 50
concurrent: 3
matrix_synapse_federation_rr_transactions_per_room_per_second: 50
# Controls whether the TLS federation listener is enabled (tcp/8448).
# Only makes sense if federation is enabled (`matrix_synapse_federation_enabled`).
# Note that federation may potentially be enabled as non-TLS on tcp/8048 as well.
# If you're serving Synapse behind an HTTPS-capable reverse-proxy,
# you can disable the TLS listener (`matrix_synapse_tls_federation_listener_enabled: false`).
matrix_synapse_tls_federation_listener_enabled: true
matrix_synapse_tls_certificate_path: "/data/{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}.tls.crt"
matrix_synapse_tls_private_key_path: "/data/{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}.tls.key"
# Resource names used by the unsecure HTTP listener. Here only the Client API
# is defined, see the homeserver config for a full list of valid resource
# names.
matrix_synapse_http_listener_resource_names: ["client"]
# Resources served on Synapse's federation port.
# When disabling federation, we may wish to serve the `openid` resource here,
# so that services like Dimension and ma1sd can work.
matrix_synapse_federation_listener_resource_names: "{{ ['federation'] if matrix_synapse_federation_enabled else (['openid'] if matrix_synapse_federation_port_openid_resource_required else []) }}"
# Enable this to allow Synapse to report utilization statistics about your server to
# (things like number of users, number of messages sent, uptime, load, etc.)
matrix_synapse_report_stats: false
# Controls whether the Matrix server will track presence status (online, offline, unavailable) for users.
# If users participate in large rooms with many other servers,
# disabling this will decrease server load significantly.
matrix_synapse_use_presence: true
# Controls whether accessing the server's public rooms directory can be done without authentication.
# For private servers, you most likely wish to require authentication,
# unless you know what list of rooms you're publishing to the world and explicitly want to do it.
matrix_synapse_allow_public_rooms_without_auth: false
# Controls whether remote servers can fetch this server's public rooms directory via federation.
# For private servers, you most likely wish to forbid it.
matrix_synapse_allow_public_rooms_over_federation: false
# Controls whether people with access to the homeserver can register by themselves.
matrix_synapse_enable_registration: false
# reCAPTCHA API for validating registration attempts
matrix_synapse_enable_registration_captcha: false
matrix_synapse_recaptcha_public_key: ''
matrix_synapse_recaptcha_private_key: ''
# Allows non-server-admin users to create groups on this server
matrix_synapse_enable_group_creation: false
# A list of 3PID types which users must supply when registering (possible values: email, msisdn).
matrix_synapse_registrations_require_3pid: []
# A list of patterns 3pids must match in order to permit registration, e.g.:
# - medium: email
# pattern: '.*@example\.com'
# - medium: msisdn
# pattern: '\+44'
matrix_synapse_allowed_local_3pids: []
# The server to use for email threepid validation. When empty, Synapse does it by itself.
# Otherwise, this should be pointed to an identity server.
matrix_synapse_account_threepid_delegates_email: ''
# The server to use for phone number threepid validation. When empty, validation cannot happen, as Synapse doesn't support it.
# To make it work, this should be pointed to an identity server.
matrix_synapse_account_threepid_delegates_msisdn: ''
# Users who register on this homeserver will automatically be joined to these rooms.
# Rooms are to be specified using addresses (e.g. ``)
matrix_synapse_auto_join_rooms: []
# Controls whether auto-join rooms (`matrix_synapse_auto_join_rooms`) are to be created
# automatically if they don't already exist.
matrix_synapse_autocreate_auto_join_rooms: true
# Controls password-peppering for Synapse. Not to be changed after initial setup.
matrix_synapse_password_config_pepper: ""
# Controls if Synapse allows people to authenticate against its local database.
# It may be useful to disable this if you've configured additional password providers
# and only wish authentication to happen through them.
matrix_synapse_password_config_localdb_enabled: true
# Controls the number of events that Synapse caches in memory.
matrix_synapse_event_cache_size: "100K"
# Controls cache sizes for Synapse.
# Raise this to increase cache sizes or lower it to potentially lower memory use.
# To learn more, see:
# -
# -
matrix_synapse_caches_global_factor: 0.5
# Controls whether Synapse will federate at all.
# Disable this to completely isolate your server from the rest of the Matrix network.
# Disabling this still keeps the federation port exposed, because it may be used for other services (`openid`).
# Also see:
# - `matrix_synapse_tls_federation_listener_enabled` if you wish to keep federation enabled,
# but want to stop the TLS listener (port 8448).
# - `matrix_synapse_federation_port_enabled` to avoid exposing the federation ports
matrix_synapse_federation_enabled: true
# Controls whether the federation ports are used at all.
# One may wish to disable federation (`matrix_synapse_federation_enabled: true`),
# but still run other resources (like `openid`) on the federation port
# by enabling them in `matrix_synapse_federation_listener_resource_names`.
matrix_synapse_federation_port_enabled: "{{ matrix_synapse_federation_enabled or matrix_synapse_federation_port_openid_resource_required }}"
# Controls whether an `openid` listener is to be enabled. Useful when disabling federation,
# but needing the `openid` APIs for Dimension or an identity server like ma1sd.
matrix_synapse_federation_port_openid_resource_required: false
# A list of domain names that are allowed to federate with the given Synapse server.
# An empty list value (`[]`) will also effectively stop federation, but if that's the desired
# result, it's better to accomplish it by changing `matrix_synapse_federation_enabled`.
matrix_synapse_federation_domain_whitelist: ~
# A list of additional "volumes" to mount in the container.
# This list gets populated dynamically based on Synapse extensions that have been enabled.
# Contains definition objects like this: `{"src": "/outside", "dst": "/inside", "options": "rw|ro|slave|.."}
# Note: internally, this uses the `-v` flag for mounting the specified volumes.
# It's better (safer) to use the `--mount` flag for mounting volumes.
# To use `--mount`, specify it in `matrix_synapse_container_extra_arguments`.
# Example: `matrix_synapse_container_extra_arguments: ['--mount type=bind,src=/outside,dst=/inside,ro']
matrix_synapse_container_additional_volumes: []
# A list of additional loggers to register in synapse.log.config.
# This list gets populated dynamically based on Synapse extensions that have been enabled.
# Contains definition objects like this: `{"name": "..", "level": "DEBUG"}
matrix_synapse_additional_loggers: []
# A list of appservice config files (in-container filesystem paths).
# This list gets populated dynamically based on Synapse extensions that have been enabled.
# You may wish to use this together with `matrix_synapse_container_additional_volumes` or `matrix_synapse_container_extra_arguments`.
matrix_synapse_app_service_config_files: []
# This is set dynamically during execution depending on whether
# any password providers have been enabled or not.
matrix_synapse_password_providers_enabled: false
# Whether clients can request to include message content in push notifications
# sent through third party servers. Setting this to false requires mobile clients
# to load message content directly from the homeserver.
matrix_synapse_push_include_content: true
# If url previews should be generated. This will cause a request from Synapse to
# URLs shared by users.
matrix_synapse_url_preview_enabled: true
# Enable exposure of metrics to Prometheus
# See
matrix_synapse_metrics_enabled: false
matrix_synapse_metrics_port: 9100
# Enable the Synapse manhole
# See
matrix_synapse_manhole_enabled: false
# Enable support for Synapse workers
matrix_synapse_workers_enabled: false
# Controls whether the matrix-synapse container exposes the various worker ports
# (see `port` and `metrics_port` in `matrix_synapse_workers_enabled_list`) outside of the container.
# Takes an "<ip>" value (e.g. "", "", etc), or empty string to not expose.
# It takes "*" to signify "bind on all interfaces" ("" is IPv4-only).
matrix_synapse_workers_container_host_bind_address: ''
matrix_synapse_workers_generic_workers_count: 3
matrix_synapse_workers_generic_workers_port_range_start: 18111
matrix_synapse_workers_generic_workers_metrics_range_start: 19111
# matrix_synapse_workers_pusher_workers_count can only be 0 or 1. More instances are not supported.
matrix_synapse_workers_pusher_workers_count: 1
matrix_synapse_workers_pusher_workers_metrics_range_start: 19200
# matrix_synapse_workers_appservice_workers_count can only be 0 or 1. More instances are not supported.
matrix_synapse_workers_appservice_workers_count: 1
matrix_synapse_workers_appservice_workers_metrics_range_start: 19300
matrix_synapse_workers_federation_sender_workers_count: 1
matrix_synapse_workers_federation_sender_workers_metrics_range_start: 19400
matrix_synapse_workers_media_repository_workers_count: 1
matrix_synapse_workers_media_repository_workers_port_range_start: 18551
matrix_synapse_workers_media_repository_workers_metrics_range_start: 19551
# Disabled until is resolved.
matrix_synapse_workers_user_dir_workers_count: 0
matrix_synapse_workers_user_dir_workers_port_range_start: 18661
matrix_synapse_workers_user_dir_workers_metrics_range_start: 19661
matrix_synapse_workers_frontend_proxy_workers_count: 1
matrix_synapse_workers_frontend_proxy_workers_port_range_start: 18771
matrix_synapse_workers_frontend_proxy_workers_metrics_range_start: 19771
# Default list of workers to spawn.
# Unless you populate this manually, this list is dynamically generated
# based on other variables above:
# - `matrix_synapse_workers_*_workers_count`
# - `matrix_synapse_workers_*_workers_port_range_start`
# - `matrix_synapse_workers_*_workers_port_metrics_range_start`
# We advise that you use those variables and let this list be populated dynamically.
# Doing that is simpler and also protects you from shooting yourself in the foot,
# as certain workers can only be spawned just once.
# Example of what this needs to look like:
# matrix_synapse_workers_enabled_list:
# - { type: generic_worker, port: 18111, metrics_port: 19111 }
# - { type: generic_worker, port: 18112, metrics_port: 19112 }
# - { type: generic_worker, port: 18113, metrics_port: 19113 }
# - { type: generic_worker, port: 18114, metrics_port: 19114 }
# - { type: generic_worker, port: 18115, metrics_port: 19115 }
# - { type: generic_worker, port: 18116, metrics_port: 19116 }
# - { type: pusher, port: 0, metrics_port: 19200 }
# - { type: appservice, port: 0, metrics_port: 19300 }
# - { type: federation_sender, port: 0, metrics_port: 19400 }
# - { type: media_repository, port: 18551, metrics_port: 19551 }
matrix_synapse_workers_enabled_list: []
# Redis information
matrix_synapse_redis_enabled: false
matrix_synapse_redis_host: ""
matrix_synapse_redis_port: 6379
matrix_synapse_redis_password: ""
# Controls whether Synapse starts a replication listener necessary for workers.
# If Redis is available, we prefer to use that, instead of talking over Synapse's custom replication protocol.
# matrix_synapse_replication_listener_enabled: "{{ matrix_synapse_workers_enabled and not matrix_redis_enabled }}"
# We force-enable this listener for now until we debug why communication via Redis fails.
matrix_synapse_replication_listener_enabled: true
# Port used for communication between main synapse process and workers.
# Only gets used if `matrix_synapse_replication_listener_enabled: true`
matrix_synapse_replication_http_port: 9093
# Send ERROR logs to for easier tracking
# To set this up: go to, create a python project, and set
# matrix_synapse_sentry_dsn to the URL it gives you.
# See for important privacy concerns
matrix_synapse_sentry_dsn: ""
# Postgres database information
matrix_synapse_database_host: "matrix-postgres"
matrix_synapse_database_user: "synapse"
matrix_synapse_database_password: ""
matrix_synapse_database_database: "synapse"
matrix_synapse_turn_uris: []
matrix_synapse_turn_shared_secret: ""
matrix_synapse_turn_allow_guests: False
matrix_synapse_email_enabled: false
matrix_synapse_email_smtp_host: ""
matrix_synapse_email_smtp_port: 587
matrix_synapse_email_smtp_require_transport_security: false
matrix_synapse_email_notif_from: "Matrix <matrix@{{ matrix_domain }}>"
matrix_synapse_email_client_base_url: "https://{{ matrix_server_fqn_element }}"
# Enable this to activate the REST auth password provider module.
# See:
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_rest_auth_enabled: false
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_rest_auth_download_url: ""
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_rest_auth_endpoint: ""
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_rest_auth_registration_enforce_lowercase: false
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_rest_auth_registration_profile_name_autofill: true
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_rest_auth_login_profile_name_autofill: false
# Enable this to activate the Shared Secret Auth password provider module.
# See:
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_shared_secret_auth_enabled: false
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_shared_secret_auth_download_url: ""
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_shared_secret_auth_shared_secret: ""
# Enable this to activate LDAP password provider
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_enabled: false
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_uri: "ldap://ldap.mydomain.tld:389"
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_start_tls: true
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_base: ""
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_attributes_uid: "uid"
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_attributes_mail: "mail"
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_attributes_name: "cn"
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_bind_dn: ""
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_bind_password: ""
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_filter: ""
# Enable this to activate the Synapse Antispam spam-checker module.
# See:
matrix_synapse_ext_spam_checker_synapse_simple_antispam_enabled: false
matrix_synapse_ext_spam_checker_synapse_simple_antispam_git_repository_url: ""
matrix_synapse_ext_spam_checker_synapse_simple_antispam_git_version: "f058d9ce2c7d4195ae461dcdd02df11a2d06a36b"
matrix_synapse_ext_spam_checker_synapse_simple_antispam_config_blocked_homeservers: []
matrix_s3_media_store_enabled: false
matrix_s3_media_store_custom_endpoint_enabled: false
matrix_s3_goofys_docker_image: "ewoutp/goofys:latest"
matrix_s3_goofys_docker_image_force_pull: "{{ matrix_s3_goofys_docker_image.endswith(':latest') }}"
matrix_s3_media_store_custom_endpoint: "your-custom-endpoint"
matrix_s3_media_store_bucket_name: "your-bucket-name"
matrix_s3_media_store_aws_access_key: "your-aws-access-key"
matrix_s3_media_store_aws_secret_key: "your-aws-secret-key"
matrix_s3_media_store_region: "eu-central-1"
matrix_s3_media_store_path: "{{ matrix_synapse_media_store_path }}"
# Controls whether the self-check feature should validate SSL certificates.
matrix_synapse_self_check_validate_certificates: true
# Controls whether searching the public room list is enabled.
matrix_synapse_enable_room_list_search: true
# Controls who's allowed to create aliases on this server.
- user_id: "*"
alias: "*"
room_id: "*"
action: allow
# Controls who can publish and which rooms can be published in the public room list.
- user_id: "*"
alias: "*"
room_id: "*"
action: allow
matrix_synapse_default_room_version: "6"
# Controls the Synapse `spam_checker` setting.
# If a spam-checker extension is enabled, this variable's value is set automatically by the playbook during runtime.
# If not, you can also control its value manually.
matrix_synapse_spam_checker: []
- server_name: ""
matrix_synapse_redaction_retention_period: 7d
matrix_synapse_user_ips_max_age: 28d
matrix_synapse_rust_synapse_compress_state_docker_image: "devture/rust-synapse-compress-state:v0.1.0"
matrix_synapse_rust_synapse_compress_state_docker_image_force_pull: "{{ matrix_synapse_rust_synapse_compress_state_docker_image.endswith(':latest') }}"
matrix_synapse_rust_synapse_compress_state_base_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/rust-synapse-compress-state"
# Default Synapse configuration template which covers the generic use case.
# You can customize it by controlling the various variables inside it.
# For a more advanced customization, you can extend the default (see `matrix_synapse_configuration_extension_yaml`)
# or completely replace this variable with your own template.
matrix_synapse_configuration_yaml: "{{ lookup('template', 'templates/synapse/homeserver.yaml.j2') }}"
matrix_synapse_configuration_extension_yaml: |
# Your custom YAML configuration for Synapse goes here.
# This configuration extends the default starting configuration (`matrix_synapse_configuration_yaml`).
# You can override individual variables from the default configuration, or introduce new ones.
# If you need something more special, you can take full control by
# completely redefining `matrix_synapse_configuration_yaml`.
# Example configuration extension follows:
# server_notices:
# system_mxid_localpart: notices
# system_mxid_display_name: "Server Notices"
# system_mxid_avatar_url: "mxc://"
# room_name: "Server Notices"
matrix_synapse_configuration_extension: "{{ matrix_synapse_configuration_extension_yaml|from_yaml if matrix_synapse_configuration_extension_yaml|from_yaml is mapping else {} }}"
# Holds the final Synapse configuration (a combination of the default and its extension).
# You most likely don't need to touch this variable. Instead, see `matrix_synapse_configuration_yaml`.
matrix_synapse_configuration: "{{ matrix_synapse_configuration_yaml|from_yaml|combine(matrix_synapse_configuration_extension, recursive=True) }}"