The newly extracted role also has native Traefik support, so we no longer need to rely on `matrix-nginx-proxy` for reverse-proxying to Ntfy. The new role uses port `80` inside the container (not `8080`, like before), because that's the default assumption of the officially published container image. Using a custom port (like `8080`), means the default healthcheck command (which hardcodes port `80`) doesn't work. Instead of fiddling to override the healthcheck command, we've decided to stick to the default port instead. This only affects the inside-the-container port, not any external ports. The new role also supports adding the network ranges of the container's multiple additional networks as "exempt hosts". Previously, only one network's address range was added to "exempt hosts".
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- name: (Deprecation) Catch and report renamed Matrix playbook settings
msg: >-
Your configuration contains a variable, which now has a different name.
Please change your configuration to rename the variable (`{{ item.old }}` -> `{{ item.new }}`).
when: "item.old in vars"
- {'old': 'matrix_vars_yml_snapshotting_enabled', 'new': 'devture_playbook_state_preserver_vars_preservation_enabled'}
- {'old': 'matrix_vars_yml_snapshotting_src', 'new': 'devture_playbook_state_preserver_vars_preservation_src'}
- {'old': 'matrix_playbook_commit_hash_preservation_enabled', 'new': 'devture_playbook_state_preserver_commit_hash_preservation_enabled'}
- {'old': 'matrix_ntpd_package', 'new': 'devture_timesync_ntpd_package'}
- {'old': 'matrix_ntpd_service', 'new': 'devture_timesync_ntpd_service'}
- {'old': 'matrix_systemd_unit_home_path', 'new': 'devture_systemd_docker_base_systemd_unit_home_path'}
- {'old': 'matrix_systemd_path', 'new': 'devture_systemd_docker_base_systemd_path'}
- {'old': 'matrix_host_command_docker', 'new': 'devture_systemd_docker_base_host_command_docker'}
- {'old': 'matrix_host_command_sh', 'new': 'devture_systemd_docker_base_host_command_sh'}
- {'old': 'matrix_host_command_systemctl', 'new': 'devture_systemd_docker_base_host_command_systemctl'}
- {'old': 'matrix_container_retries_count', 'new': 'devture_playbook_help_container_retries_count'}
- {'old': 'matrix_container_retries_delay', 'new': 'devture_playbook_help_container_retries_delay'}
- {'old': 'matrix_geturl_retries_count', 'new': 'devture_playbook_help_geturl_retries_count'}
- {'old': 'matrix_geturl_retries_delay', 'new': 'devture_playbook_help_geturl_retries_delay'}
- {'old': 'matrix_nginx_proxy_synapse_cache_path', 'new': 'matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_cache_path'}
- {'old': 'matrix_nginx_proxy_synapse_cache_enabled', 'new': 'matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_cache_enabled'}
- {'old': 'matrix_docker_installation_enabled', 'new': 'matrix_playbook_docker_installation_enabled'}
- {'old': 'matrix_docker_package_name', 'new': '<Not applicable. Docker is installed using https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-role-docker now>'}
- {'old': 'matrix_systemd_services_list', 'new': 'devture_systemd_service_manager_services_list_additional'}
- {'old': 'matrix_common_after_systemd_service_start_wait_for_timeout_seconds', 'new': 'devture_systemd_service_manager_up_verification_delay_seconds'}
- {'old': 'matrix_systemd_services_autostart_enabled', 'new': 'devture_systemd_service_manager_services_autostart_enabled'}
- {'old': 'matrix_prometheus_node_exporter_metrics_proxying_enabled', 'new': 'matrix_prometheus_services_proxy_connect_prometheus_node_exporter_metrics_proxying_enabled'}
- {'old': 'matrix_prometheus_postgres_exporter_metrics_proxying_enabled', 'new': 'matrix_prometheus_services_proxy_connect_prometheus_postgres_exporter_metrics_proxying_enabled'}
- name: (Deprecation) Catch and report matrix_postgres variables
msg: |-
The matrix-postgres role in the playbook has been replaced with the com.devture.ansible.role.postgres role (https://github.com/devture/com.devture.ansible.role.postgres).
The new role is pretty much the same, but uses differently named variables.
The matrix-postgres-backup role in the playbook has been replaced with the com.devture.ansible.role.postgres_backup role (https://github.com/devture/com.devture.ansible.role.postgres_backup).
The new role is pretty much the same, but uses differently named variables.
Please change your configuration (vars.yml) to rename all `matrix_postgres`-prefixed variables (`matrix_postgres_*` -> `devture_postgres_*`).
The following variables in your configuration need to be renamed: {{ vars | dict2items | selectattr('key', 'match', 'matrix_postgres_.*') | map (attribute='key') | join(', ') }}
when: "vars | dict2items | selectattr('key', 'match', 'matrix_postgres_.*') | list | items2dict"
- when: matrix_playbook_migration_matrix_prometheus_node_exporter_migration_validation_enabled | bool
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
matrix_playbook_migration_matrix_prometheus_node_exporter_migration_vars: |-
{{ vars | dict2items | selectattr('key', 'match', 'matrix_prometheus_node_exporter_.*') | list | items2dict }}
- name: (Deprecation) Catch and report matrix_prometheus_node_exporter variables
msg: >-
The matrix-prometheus-node-exporter role that used to be part of this playbook has been replaced by https://gitlab.com/etke.cc/roles/prometheus_node_exporter.
The new role is compatible with the old one, but uses different names for its variables.
Please change your configuration (vars.yml) to rename all variables (`matrix_prometheus_node_exporter_` -> `prometheus_node_exporter_`).
We found usage of the following variables: {{ matrix_playbook_migration_matrix_prometheus_node_exporter_migration_vars.keys() | join(', ') }}
when: "matrix_playbook_migration_matrix_prometheus_node_exporter_migration_vars | length > 0"
- when: matrix_playbook_migration_matrix_prometheus_postgres_exporter_migration_validation_enabled | bool
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
matrix_playbook_migration_matrix_prometheus_postgres_exporter_migration_vars: |-
{{ vars | dict2items | selectattr('key', 'match', 'matrix_prometheus_postgres_exporter_.*') | list | items2dict }}
- name: (Deprecation) Catch and report matrix_prometheus_postgres_exporter variables
msg: >-
The matrix-prometheus-postgres-exporter role that used to be part of this playbook has been replaced by https://gitlab.com/etke.cc/roles/prometheus_postgres_exporter.
The new role is compatible with the old one, but uses different names for its variables.
Please change your configuration (vars.yml) to rename all variables (`matrix_prometheus_postgres_exporter_` -> `prometheus_postgres_exporter_`).
We found usage of the following variables: {{ matrix_playbook_migration_matrix_prometheus_postgres_exporter_migration_vars.keys() | join(', ') }}
when: "matrix_playbook_migration_matrix_prometheus_postgres_exporter_migration_vars | length > 0"
- when: matrix_playbook_migration_matrix_backup_borg_migration_validation_enabled | bool
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
matrix_playbook_migration_backup_borg_migration_vars: |-
{{ vars | dict2items | selectattr('key', 'match', 'matrix_backup_borg_.*') | list | items2dict }}
- name: (Deprecation) Catch and report matrix_backup_borg variables
msg: >-
The matrix-backup-borg role that used to be part of this playbook has been replaced by https://gitlab.com/etke.cc/roles/backup_borg.
The new role is compatible with the old one, but uses different names for its variables.
Please change your configuration (vars.yml) to rename all variables (`matrix_backup_borg_` -> `backup_borg_`).
We found usage of the following variables: {{ matrix_playbook_migration_backup_borg_migration_vars.keys() | join(', ') }}
when: "matrix_playbook_migration_backup_borg_migration_vars | length > 0"
- when: matrix_playbook_migration_matrix_grafana_migration_validation_enabled | bool
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
matrix_playbook_migration_grafana_migration_vars: |-
{{ vars | dict2items | selectattr('key', 'match', 'matrix_grafana_.*') | list | items2dict }}
- name: (Deprecation) Catch and report matrix_grafana variables
msg: >-
The matrix-grafana role that used to be part of this playbook has been replaced by https://gitlab.com/etke.cc/roles/grafana.
The new role is compatible with the old one, but uses different names for its variables.
Please change your configuration (vars.yml) to rename all variables (`matrix_grafana_` -> `grafana_`).
We found usage of the following variables: {{ matrix_playbook_migration_grafana_migration_vars.keys() | join(', ') }}
when: "matrix_playbook_migration_grafana_migration_vars | length > 0"
- when: matrix_playbook_migration_matrix_ntfy_migration_validation_enabled | bool
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
matrix_playbook_migration_ntfy_migration_vars: |-
{{ vars | dict2items | selectattr('key', 'match', 'matrix_ntfy_.*') | list | items2dict }}
- name: (Deprecation) Catch and report matrix_ntfy variables
msg: >-
The matrix-ntfy role that used to be part of this playbook has been replaced by https://gitlab.com/etke.cc/roles/ntfy.
The new role is compatible with the old one, but uses different names for its variables.
Please change your configuration (vars.yml) to rename all variables (`matrix_ntfy_` -> `ntfy_`).
We found usage of the following variables: {{ matrix_playbook_migration_ntfy_migration_vars.keys() | join(', ') }}
when: "matrix_playbook_migration_ntfy_migration_vars | length > 0"