A working installation of npm and node.js - get the latest node.js LTS release at [the node.js homepage](https://nodejs.org/en/) and verify it's working via `node -v` and `npm -v` in a command prompt of your choice.
A working installation of [Docker](https://www.docker.com) for the used containerized MongoDB.
### First start
To get started you need to download all used packages with `npm i` in the project's root folder first.
Next up is our local MongoDB. This uses docker but can be conveniently started via `sudo npm run mongo:start` (at least in Ubuntu Linux).
Afterwards the dev server is started with `npm run dev` and can be called via `http://localhost:3000/api`.
To completely stop the project after running it a call to `sudo npm run mongo:stop` is necessary.
### Running the tests
Just execute `npm run test` while both the node.js server and the MongoDB are up and running.
Warning: At the moment (2020-09-29) there are no tests.
### Uploading a track for test purposes
Uploading a track to the local server requires multiple steps, as uploading is not possible via the dummy upload form in the corresponding web app yet:
- Create a user in the web app and copy the user id, which can be found at (http://localhost:4200/settings) as "API key"
- Import the [Postman](https://www.postman.com) script "add-track.json" from the "postman-examples" into Postman
- In each of the three requests add your user id in the "Pre-request script" tab as the value for the "UserId" variable
- As tracks have to be split into smaller parts to get a working upload from the sensor you have to run the three requests in the order of: begin -> add -> end
- View your freshly uploaded track at (http://localhost:4200) -> Home -> Your feed