frontend: Include roads.json in homepage, and use grayscale theme for maps
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 579 additions and 20 deletions
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ export function Map({children, ...props}) {
export function Layer({layerClass, getDefaultOptions, children, ...props}) {
const context = React.useContext(MapLayerContext)
const context = React.useContext(MapContext)
const layer = React.useMemo(
() =>
@ -64,13 +64,11 @@ export function Layer({layerClass, getDefaultOptions, children, ...props}) {
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(props)) {
layer.set(k, v)
React.useEffect(() => {
return () => context?.remove(layer)
return () => context?.removeLayer(layer)
}, [layer, context])
if (typeof layer.getLayers === 'function') {
@ -80,9 +78,8 @@ export function Layer({layerClass, getDefaultOptions, children, ...props}) {
export function TileLayer(props) {
return <Layer layerClass={OlTileLayer} getDefaultOptions={() => ({source: new OSM()})} {...props} />
export function TileLayer({osm, ...props}) {
return <Layer layerClass={OlTileLayer} getDefaultOptions={() => ({source: new OSM(osm)})} {...props} /> }
export function VectorLayer(props) {
return <Layer layerClass={OlVectorLayer} {...props} />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
import React from 'react'
import {useObservable} from 'rxjs-hooks'
import {of} from 'rxjs'
import {switchMap} from 'rxjs/operators'
import VectorSource from 'ol/source/Vector'
import GeoJSON from 'ol/format/GeoJSON'
import {Stroke, Style} from 'ol/style'
import Map from './Map'
import {paletteUrban, paletteRural, palettePercentage, palettePercentageInverted} from 'palettes'
// var criterion = "d_mean";
// var criterion = "p_above";
var criterion = 'p_below'
// var hist_xa = 0.0
// var hist_xb = 2.55
// var hist_dx = 0.25
// var hist_n = Math.ceil((hist_xb - hist_xa) / hist_dx)
// function histogramLabels() {
// var labels = Array(hist_n)
// for (var i = 0; i < hist_n; i++) {
// var xa = hist_xa + hist_dx * i
// var xb = xa + hist_dx
// var xc = xa + 0.5 * hist_dx
// labels[i] = (xa * 100).toFixed(0) + '-' + (xb * 100).toFixed(0)
// }
// return labels
// }
// function histogramColors(palette) {
// var colors = Array(hist_n)
// for (var i = 0; i < hist_n; i++) {
// var xc = hist_xa + hist_dx * i
// colors[i] = palette.rgb_hex(xc)
// }
// return colors
// }
// function histogram(samples) {
// var binCounts = new Array(hist_n).fill(0)
// for (var i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) {
// var v = samples[i]
// var j = Math.floor((v - hist_xa) / hist_dx)
// if (j >= 0 && j < hist_n) {
// binCounts[j]++
// }
// }
// return binCounts
// }
// function annotation_verbose(feature) {
// var s = ''
// s += 'name: ' + feature.get('name') + '\n'
// s += 'way_id: ' + feature.get('way_id') + '\n'
// s += 'direction: ' + feature.get('direction') + '\n'
// s += 'zone: ' + feature.get('zone') + '\n'
// s += 'valid: ' + feature.get('valid') + '\n'
// d = feature.get('distance_overtaker_limit')
// s += 'distance_overtaker_limit: ' + (d == null ? 'n/a' : d.toFixed(2)) + ' m \n'
// s += '<hr></hr>statistics\n'
// d = feature.get('distance_overtaker_mean')
// s += 'distance_overtaker_mean: ' + (d == null ? 'n/a' : d.toFixed(2)) + ' m \n'
// d = feature.get('distance_overtaker_median')
// s += 'distance_overtaker_median: ' + (d == null ? 'n/a' : d.toFixed(2)) + ' m \n'
// d = feature.get('distance_overtaker_minimum')
// s += 'distance_overtaker_minimum: ' + (d == null ? 'n/a' : d.toFixed(2)) + ' m \n'
// d = feature.get('distance_overtaker_n')
// s += 'distance_overtaker_n: ' + (d == null ? 'n/a' : d.toFixed(0)) + '\n'
// d = feature.get('distance_overtaker_n_above_limit')
// s += 'distance_overtaker_n_above_limit: ' + (d == null ? 'n/a' : d.toFixed(0)) + '\n'
// d = feature.get('distance_overtaker_n_below_limit')
// s += 'distance_overtaker_n_below_limit: ' + (d == null ? 'n/a' : d.toFixed(0)) + '\n'
// var n_below = feature.get('distance_overtaker_n_below_limit')
// var n = feature.get('distance_overtaker_n')
// var p = (n_below / n) * 100.0
// s += 'overtakers below limit: ' + (p == null ? 'n/a' : p.toFixed(1)) + ' %\n'
// return s
// }
// function annotation(feature) {
// var s = '<table>'
// s +=
// '<tr><td>Straßenname:</td><td><a href="' +
// feature.get('way_id') +
// '" target="_blank">' +
// feature.get('name') +
// '</a></td></tr>'
// d = feature.get('distance_overtaker_limit')
// s += '<tr><td>Mindestüberholabstand:</td><td>' + (d == null ? 'n/a' : d.toFixed(2)) + ' m </td>'
// d = feature.get('distance_overtaker_n')
// s += '<tr><td>Anzahl Messungen:</td><td>' + (d == null ? 'n/a' : d.toFixed(0)) + '</td></tr>'
// var n_below = feature.get('distance_overtaker_n_below_limit')
// var n = feature.get('distance_overtaker_n')
// var p = (n_below / n) * 100.0
// s +=
// '<tr><td>Unterschreitung Mindestabstand:</td><td>' +
// (p == null ? 'n/a' : p.toFixed(1)) +
// '% der Überholenden</td></tr>'
// d = feature.get('distance_overtaker_mean')
// s += '<tr><td>Durchschnitt Überholabstand:</td><td>' + (d == null ? 'n/a' : d.toFixed(2)) + ' m </td></tr>'
// d = feature.get('distance_overtaker_median')
// s += '<tr><td>Median Überholabstand:</td><td>' + (d == null ? 'n/a' : d.toFixed(2)) + ' m </td></tr>'
// d = feature.get('distance_overtaker_minimum')
// s += '<tr><td>Minimum Überholabstand:</td><td>' + (d == null ? 'n/a' : d.toFixed(2)) + ' m </td></tr>'
// s += '</table>'
// return s
// }
function styleFunction(feature, resolution, active = false) {
const {
distance_overtaker_n: n,
distance_overtaker_n_above_limit: n_above_limit,
distance_overtaker_n_below_limit: n_below_limit,
distance_overtaker_mean: mean,
distance_overtaker_median: median,
distance_overtaker_minimum: minimum,
} = feature.getProperties()
let palette
if (zone === 'urban') {
palette = paletteUrban
} else if (zone === 'rural') {
palette = paletteRural
} else {
palette = paletteUrban
var color = [0, 0, 0, 255]
if (valid) {
switch (criterion) {
case 'd_mean':
color = palette.rgba_css(mean)
case 'd_median':
color = palette.rgba_css(median)
case 'd_min':
color = palette.rgba_css(minimum)
case 'p_above':
color = palettePercentage.rgba_css(n > 0 ? (n_above_limit / n * 100) : undefined)
case 'p_below':
color = palettePercentageInverted.rgba_css(n > 0 ? (n_below_limit / n * 100) : undefined)
} else {
color = [128, 128, 128, 255]
// var width = 2 + 1*Math.log10(n);
var width = active ? 6 : 3
// width =Math.max(2.0, width*1/resolution);
var style = new Style({
stroke: new Stroke({
color: color,
width: width,
return style
// var map = new ol.Map({
// target: 'map',
// layers: [
// new ol.layer.Tile({
// source: new ol.source.OSM({
// url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
// crossOrigin: null,
// // url: 'https://{a-c}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
// }),
// }),
// ],
// view: new ol.View({
// center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([9.1798, 48.7759]),
// zoom: 13,
// }),
// })
export default function RoadsLayer() {
const dataSource = React.useMemo(
() =>
new VectorSource({
format: new GeoJSON(),
url: '',
return <Map.VectorLayer source={dataSource} style={styleFunction} zIndex={1000} />
// var histogramColorsRural = histogramColors(paletteRural).reverse()
// var histogramColorsUrban = histogramColors(paletteUrban).reverse()
// var chartOptions = {
// series: [
// {
// name: 'Überholende',
// data: Array(hist_n).fill(0),
// },
// ],
// chart: {
// type: 'bar',
// height: 350,
// animations: {
// animateGradually: {
// enabled: false,
// },
// },
// },
// plotOptions: {
// bar: {
// horizontal: false,
// columnWidth: '95%',
// endingShape: 'flat',
// distributed: true,
// },
// },
// dataLabels: {
// enabled: true,
// },
// stroke: {
// show: false,
// },
// xaxis: {
// title: {
// text: 'Überholabstand in Zentimeter',
// },
// categories: histogramLabels().reverse(),
// },
// yaxis: {
// title: {
// text: 'Anzahl Überholende',
// },
// labels: {
// show: false,
// },
// },
// fill: {
// opacity: 1,
// },
// legend: {
// show: false,
// },
// tooltip: {
// y: {
// formatter: function (val) {
// return val
// },
// },
// },
// }
// var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector('#chart'), chartOptions)
// chart.render()
// var noFeatureActive = true
// map.on('singleclick', function (evt) {
// var feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel, function (feature, layer) {
// return feature
// })
// var resolution = map.getView().getResolution()
// if (!noFeatureActive) {
// vectorLayer
// .getSource()
// .getFeatures()
// .forEach((f) => {
// f.setStyle(styleFunction(f, resolution, false))
// })
// noFeatureActive = true
// }
// if (feature && dataSource.hasFeature(feature)) {
// console.log(annotation_verbose(feature))
// caption.innerHTML = annotation(feature)
// = 'flex-start'
// var zone = feature.get('zone')
// var colors = undefined
// switch (zone) {
// case 'urban':
// colors = histogramColorsUrban
// break
// case 'rural':
// colors = histogramColorsRural
// break
// default:
// colors = histogramColorsUrban
// }
// chart.updateOptions({
// colors: colors,
// })
// var hist = histogram(feature.get('distance_overtaker_measurements')).reverse()
// chart.updateSeries([
// {
// name: 'Überholende',
// data: hist,
// },
// ])
// feature.setStyle(styleFunction(feature, resolution, true))
// noFeatureActive = false
// }
// })
// function writeLegend(palette, target, ticks, postfix) {
// const div = document.getElementById(target)
// const canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
// const context = canvas.getContext('2d')
// const barWidth = palette.n
// const barLeft = 25
// const barHeight = 25
// canvas.width = 300
// canvas.height = 50
// const imgData = context.getImageData(0, 0, barWidth, barHeight)
// const data =
// let k = 0
// for (let y = 0; y < barHeight; y++) {
// for (let x = 0; x < barWidth; x++) {
// for (let c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
// data[k] = palette.rgba_sampled[x][c]
// k += 1
// }
// }
// }
// context.putImageData(imgData, barLeft, 0)
// context.font = '12px Arial'
// context.textAlign = 'center'
// context.textBaseline = 'top'
// for (let i = 0; i < ticks.length; i++) {
// const v = ticks[i]
// const x = barLeft + ((v - palette.a) / (palette.b - palette.a)) * (palette.n - 1)
// const y = 25
// context.fillText(v.toFixed(2) + postfix, x, y)
// }
// const image = new Image()
// image.src = canvas.toDataURL()
// image.height = canvas.height
// image.width = canvas.width
// div.appendChild(image)
// }
// writeLegend(palettePercentageInverted, 'colorbar', [0, 100.0], '%')
@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ export {default as FormattedDate} from './FormattedDate'
export {default as LoginButton} from './LoginButton'
export {default as Map} from './Map'
export {default as Page} from './Page'
export {default as RoadsLayer} from './RoadsLayer'
export {default as StripMarkdown} from './StripMarkdown'
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import {fromLonLat} from 'ol/proj'
import {Duration} from 'luxon'
import api from '../api'
import {Map, Page} from '../components'
import {Map, Page, RoadsLayer} from '../components'
import {TrackListItem} from './TracksPage'
import styles from './HomePage.module.scss'
@ -22,18 +22,21 @@ function formatDuration(seconds) {
function WelcomeMap() {
return (
<Map className={styles.welcomeMap}>
<Map.TileLayer />
<Map.View maxZoom={22} zoom={6} center={fromLonLat([10, 51])} />
<RoadsLayer />
url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
crossOrigin: null,
{/* <Map.View maxZoom={22} zoom={6} center={fromLonLat([10, 51])} /> */}
<Map.View maxZoom={22} zoom={13} center={fromLonLat([9.1798, 48.7759])} />
function Stats() {
const stats = useObservable(
() => of(null).pipe(
switchMap(() => api.fetch('/stats'))
const stats = useObservable(() => of(null).pipe(switchMap(() => api.fetch('/stats'))))
return (
@ -42,7 +45,7 @@ function Stats() {
<Loader active={stats == null} />
<Statistic.Group widths={2} size="mini" >
<Statistic.Group widths={2} size="mini">
<Statistic.Value>{Number(stats?.publicTrackLength / 1000).toFixed(1)}</Statistic.Value>
<Statistic.Label>km track length</Statistic.Label>
@ -106,7 +109,6 @@ export default function HomePage() {
<MostRecentTrack />
@ -157,7 +157,12 @@ export default function TrackMap({trackData, show, ...props}: {trackData: TrackD
return (
<Map {...props}>
<Map.TileLayer />
url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
crossOrigin: null,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
export class Palette {
constructor(p, colorInvalid) {
this.colorInvalid = colorInvalid
this.resamplePalette(p, 256)
rgba(v) {
if (v == null) {
return this.colorInvalid
let i = ((v - this.a) / (this.b - this.a)) * (this.n - 1)
i = Math.round(i)
i = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.n - 1, i))
return this.rgba_sampled[i]
rgba_css(v) {
const color = this.rgba(v)
return 'rgba(' + [color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]].join(',') + ')'
rgb_css(v) {
const color = this.rgba(v)
return 'rgb(' + [color[0], color[1], color[2]].join(',') + ')'
rgb_hex(v) {
const color = this.rgba(v)
const s = '#' + this.hex2digits(color[0]) + this.hex2digits(color[1]) + this.hex2digits(color[2])
return s
hex2digits(v) {
const hex = v.toString(16)
return hex.length === 1 ? '0' + hex : hex
samplePalette(palette, d) {
let x = Object.keys(palette)
for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
x[i] = parseFloat(x[i])
x = x.sort(function (a, b) {
return a - b
const n = x.length
let y
if (d <= x[0]) {
y = palette[x[0]]
} else if (d >= x[n - 1]) {
y = palette[x[n - 1]]
} else {
let ia = 0
let ib = n - 1
while (ib - ia > 1) {
const ic = Math.round(0.5 * (ia + ib))
if (d < x[ic]) {
ib = ic
} else {
ia = ic
const xa = x[ia]
const xb = x[ib]
const w = (d - xa) / (xb - xa)
y = Array(4)
const ya = palette[xa]
const yb = palette[xb]
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
y[i] = Math.round(ya[i] * (1 - w) + yb[i] * w)
return y
resamplePalette(palette, n) {
const x = Object.keys(palette)
for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
x[i] = parseFloat(x[i])
const a = Math.min(...x)
const b = Math.max(...x)
const p = new Array(n)
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const xi = a + (parseFloat(i) / (n - 1)) * (b - a)
p[i] = this.samplePalette(palette, xi)
this.a = a
this.b = b
this.rgba_sampled = p
this.n = n
export const paletteUrban = new Palette(
0.0: [64, 0, 0, 255],
1.4999: [196, 0, 0, 255],
1.5: [196, 196, 0, 255],
2.0: [0, 196, 0, 255],
2.55: [0, 255, 0, 255],
[0, 0, 196, 255]
export const paletteRural = new Palette(
0.0: [64, 0, 0, 255],
1.9999: [196, 0, 0, 255],
2.0: [196, 196, 0, 255],
2.5: [0, 196, 0, 255],
2.55: [0, 255, 0, 255],
[0, 0, 196, 255]
export const paletteRural_ryg = new Palette(
0.0: [196, 0, 0, 255],
1.5: [196, 196, 0, 255],
2.0: [0, 196, 0, 255],
[0, 0, 196, 255]
export const paletteUrban_ryg = new Palette(
0.0: [196, 0, 0, 255],
2.0: [196, 196, 0, 255],
2.5: [0, 196, 0, 255],
[0, 0, 196, 255]
export const colorUndefinedDistance = [0, 0, 0, 0]
export const palettePercentage = new Palette(
0.0: [64, 0, 0, 255],
25.0: [196, 0, 0, 255],
90.0: [196, 196, 0, 255],
100.0: [0, 255, 0, 255],
[0, 0, 196, 255]
export const palettePercentageInverted = new Palette(
0.0: [0, 255, 0, 255],
10.0: [196, 196, 0, 255],
75.0: [196, 0, 0, 255],
100.0: [64, 0, 0, 255],
[0, 0, 196, 255]
Add table
Reference in a new issue