-- -- To use this file, see -- https://mygisnotes.wordpress.com/2015/10/09/openstreepmap-import-data-into-a-postgis-database-and-incrementally-update-it/ -- for general instructions: -- 1. Download PBF -- 2. Convert and filter to your needs -- 3. Run the import like this: -- -- osm2pgsql --create --hstore --style roads_import.lua -O flex \ -- --proj 32629 -H localhost -d obs -U obs -W \ -- YOUR_FILE.o5m local function contains(table, val) for i=1,#table do if table[i] == val then return true end end return false end local HIGHWAY_TYPES = { "trunk", "primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "unclassified", "residential", -- "trunk_link", -- "primary_link", -- "secondary_link", -- "tertiary_link", "living_street", "service", "track", "road", } local UNMOTORIZED_TRAFFIC_HIGHWAY_TYPES = { "cycleway", "footway", "path", } local ZONE_TYPES = { "urban", "rural", "motorway", } local URBAN_TYPES = { "residential", "living_street", "road", } local MOTORWAY_TYPES = { "motorway", -- "motorway_link", } local ADMIN_LEVEL_MIN = 2 local ADMIN_LEVEL_MAX = 8 local ONEWAY_YES = {"yes", "true", "1"} local ONEWAY_REVERSE = {"reverse", "-1"} -- https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway=service local IGNORED_SERVICE_TYPES = {"parking_aisle", "driveway", "emergency_access", "drive-through"} -- https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/access#values local IGNORED_ACCESS_TYPES = {"no", "private", "permit", "official", "service", "emergency"} local roads = osm2pgsql.define_way_table('road', { { column = 'zone', type = 'text', sql_type="zone_type" }, { column = 'directionality', type = 'int' }, { column = 'name', type = 'text' }, { column = 'geometry', type = 'linestring' }, { column = 'oneway', type = 'bool' }, { column = 'has_cars', type = 'bool' }, }) local regions = osm2pgsql.define_relation_table('region', { { column = 'name', type = 'text' }, { column = 'geometry', type = 'geometry' }, { column = 'admin_level', type = 'int' }, { column = 'tags', type = 'hstore' }, }) function osm2pgsql.process_way(object) local tags = object.tags -- only import certain highway ways, i.e. roads and pathways if not tags.highway then return end local unmotorized_traffic = contains(UNMOTORIZED_TRAFFIC_HIGHWAY_TYPES, tags.highway) if not contains(HIGHWAY_TYPES, tags.highway) and not unmotorized_traffic then return end -- do not import areas (plazas etc.) if tags.area == "yes" then return end -- ignore certain service roads if contains(IGNORED_SERVICE_TYPES, tags.service) then return end -- ignore disallowed roads (often tram tracks and similar) if contains(IGNORED_ACCESS_TYPES, tags.access) then return end local zone = nil if tags["zone:traffic"] then zone = tags["zone:traffic"] if zone == "DE:urban" then zone = "urban" elseif zone == "DE:rural" then zone = "rural" elseif zone == "DE:motorway" then zone = "motorway" elseif string.match(zone, "rural") then zone = "rural" elseif string.match(zone, "urban") then zone = "urban" elseif string.match(zone, "motorway") then zone = "motorway" elseif contains(URBAN_TYPES, tags.highway) then zone = "urban" elseif contains(MOTORWAY_TYPES, tags.highway) then zone = "motorway" else -- we can't figure it out zone = nil end end local directionality = 0 local oneway = tags.oneway -- See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:oneway section "Implied oneway restriction" if contains(ONEWAY_YES, tags.oneway) or tags.junction == "roundabout" or zone == "motorway" then directionality = 1 oneway = true elseif contains(ONEWAY_REVERSE, tags.oneway) then directionality = -1 oneway = true end roads:add_row({ geom = { create = 'linear' }, name = tags.name, zone = zone, directionality = directionality, oneway = oneway, has_cars = not unmotorized_traffic }) end function osm2pgsql.process_relation(object) local admin_level = tonumber(object.tags.admin_level) if object.tags.boundary == "administrative" and admin_level and admin_level >= ADMIN_LEVEL_MIN and admin_level <= ADMIN_LEVEL_MAX then regions:add_row({ geometry = { create = 'area' }, name = object.tags.name, admin_level = admin_level, tags = object.tags, }) end end function osm2pgsql.select_relation_members(relation) if relation.tags.type == 'route' then return { ways = osm2pgsql.way_member_ids(relation) } end end