import {stringifyParams} from 'query' import globalStore from 'store' import {setLogin} from 'reducers/login' import configPromise from 'config' import download from 'downloadjs' function getFileNameFromContentDispostionHeader(contentDisposition) { const standardPattern = /filename=(["']?)(.+)\1/i const wrongPattern = /filename=([^"'][^;"'\n]+)/i if (standardPattern.test(contentDisposition)) { return contentDisposition.match(standardPattern)[2] } if (wrongPattern.test(contentDisposition)) { return contentDisposition.match(wrongPattern)[1] } } class RequestError extends Error { constructor(message, errors) { super(message) this.errors = errors } } class API { constructor(store) { = store } async loadUser() { try { const result = await this.get('/user') } catch { } } async logout() { const config = await configPromise const url = new URL(config.apiUrl + '/logout') url.searchParams.append('next', window.location.href) // bring us back to the current page window.location.href = url.toString() } async makeLoginUrl() { const config = await configPromise const url = new URL(config.loginUrl || (config.apiUrl + '/login')) url.searchParams.append('next', window.location.href) // bring us back to the current page return url.toString() } async fetch(url, options = {}) { const config = await configPromise const {returnResponse = false, ...fetchOptions} = options const response = await window.fetch(config.apiUrl + url, { ...fetchOptions, credentials: 'include', }) if (response.status === 401) { throw new Error('401 Unauthorized') } if (returnResponse) { if (response.status === 200) { return response } else if (response.status === 204) { return null } else { throw new RequestError('Error code ' + response.status) } } let json try { json = await response.json() } catch (err) { json = null } if (response.status === 200) { return json } else if (response.status === 204) { return null } else { throw new RequestError('Error code ' + response.status, json?.errors) } } async post(url, {body: body_, ...options}) { let body = body_ let headers = {...(options.headers || {})} if (!(typeof body === 'string' || body instanceof FormData)) { body = JSON.stringify(body) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' } return await this.fetch(url, { method: 'post', ...options, body, headers, }) } async get(url, {query, ...options} = {}) { const queryString = query ? stringifyParams(query) : null return await this.fetch(url + (queryString ? '?' + queryString : ''), {method: 'get', ...options}) } async delete(url, options = {}) { return await this.get(url, {...options, method: 'delete'}) } async put(url, options = {}) { return await, {...options, method: 'put'}) } async downloadFile(url, options = {}) { const res = await this.fetch(url, {returnResponse: true, ...options}) const blob = await res.blob() const filename = getFileNameFromContentDispostionHeader(res.headers.get('content-disposition')) const contentType = res.headers.get('content-type') // Apparently this workaround is needed for some browsers const newBlob = new Blob([blob], {type: contentType}) download(newBlob, filename, contentType) } } const api = new API(globalStore) export default api