2021-04-24 08:56:51 -07:00
{ lib }:
modOverrides = { overrides }:
{ config, overrideModulesPath, ... }:
inherit (overrides) modules disabledModules;
disabledModules = modules ++ disabledModules;
imports = map
(path: "${overrideModulesPath}/${path}")
hmDefaults = { userSuites, extern, homeModules }: {
home-manager = {
useGlobalPkgs = true;
useUserPackages = true;
extraSpecialArgs = extern.userSpecialArgs // { suites = userSuites; };
sharedModules = extern.userModules ++ (builtins.attrValues homeModules);
globalDefaults = { self, nixos, inputs, multiPkgs }:
experimentalFeatures = [
{ config, pkgs, ... }: {
users.mutableUsers = lib.mkDefault false;
hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware = lib.mkDefault true;
nix.nixPath = [
nixpkgs.pkgs = lib.mkDefault multiPkgs.${config.nixpkgs.system};
nix.registry = {
devos.flake = self;
nixos.flake = nixos;
override.flake = inputs.override;
nix.package = pkgs.nixFlakes;
nix.extraOptions = ''
experimental-features = ${lib.concatStringsSep " "
system.configurationRevision = lib.mkIf (self ? rev) self.rev;
cachix = { self }:
let rootCachix = "${self}/cachix.nix"; in
if builtins.pathExists rootCachix
then rootCachix
else { };
flakeModules = { self, extern }: { imports = builtins.attrValues self.nixosModules ++ extern.modules; };
2021-04-24 09:10:10 -07:00
isoConfig = { self, nixos, inputs, fullHostConfig }:
{ config, suites, ... }: {
2021-04-24 08:56:51 -07:00
2021-04-24 09:10:10 -07:00
imports = let modpath = "nixos/modules"; in
[ "${nixos}/${modpath}/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-minimal-new-kernel.nix" ];
# avoid unwanted systemd service startups
# all strings in disabledModules get appended to modulesPath
# so convert each to list which can be coerced to string
disabledModules = map lib.singleton suites.allProfiles;
nix.registry = lib.mapAttrs (n: v: { flake = v; }) inputs;
isoImage.isoBaseName = "nixos-" + config.networking.hostName;
isoImage.contents = [{
source = self;
target = "/devos/";
isoImage.storeContents = [
# include also closures that are "switched off" by the
# above profile filter on the local config attribute
# still pull in tools of deactivated profiles
environment.systemPackages = fullHostConfig.environment.systemPackages;
# confilcts with networking.wireless which might be slightly
# more useful on a stick
networking.networkmanager.enable = lib.mkForce false;
# confilcts with networking.wireless
networking.wireless.iwd.enable = lib.mkForce false;
# Set up a link-local boostrap network
# See also: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/75515#issuecomment-571661659
networking.usePredictableInterfaceNames = lib.mkForce true; # so prefix matching works
networking.useNetworkd = lib.mkForce true;
networking.useDHCP = lib.mkForce false;
networking.dhcpcd.enable = lib.mkForce false;
systemd.network = {
# https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.network.html
networks."boostrap-link-local" = {
matchConfig = {
Name = "en* wl* ww*";
networkConfig = {
Description = "Link-local host bootstrap network";
MulticastDNS = true;
LinkLocalAddressing = "ipv6";
DHCP = "yes";
address = [
# fall back well-known link-local for situations where MulticastDNS is not available
"fe80::47" # 47: n=14 i=9 x=24; n+i+x
extraConfig = ''
# Unique, yet stable. Based off the MAC address.
IPv6LinkLocalAddressGenerationMode = "eui64"
hmConfig =
{ config, ... }: {
home-manager.useUserPackages = lib.mkForce false;
home-manager.sharedModules = [
home.sessionVariables = {
inherit (config.environment.sessionVariables) NIX_PATH;
xdg.configFile."nix/registry.json".text =
2021-04-24 08:56:51 -07:00