rebuilding so much: it has nix as a dependency and won't find its hash
in the binary cache if we override our nix version with the one from
nixos-unstable. 22.11 has 2.11.1 which should be recent enough for us.
rebuilding so much: it has nix as a dependency and won't find its hash
in the binary cache if we override our nix version with the one from
nixos-unstable. 22.11 has 2.11.1 which should be recent enough for us.
nix-dram as default nix binary isn't worth the
maintenance work anymore, CI builds started
failing because of it:
Automatic builds still happen each night and can be
checked in our fork of nix-dram:
Users of nix-dram can continue to use it via devshells
or nix run github:dramforever/nix-dram -- --version
home: follow release-22.05 branch
Fixes for upstream changes:
ag renamed to silver-searcher, extfat-utils is now exfat, lot's of
overrides no longer needed, as they're now in the release branch,
services.caddy.config split up into globalConfig and extraConfig
> Failed assertions:
- The option definition `programs.direnv.nix-direnv.enableFlakes' in `/nix/store/pv3vi4n7x83r4sc3ljqdgg9qifr4n5gp-source/users/profiles/direnv' no longer has any effect; please remove it.
Flake support is now always enabled.
Subflakes should provide their wares as outputs, so wire up the pkgs
flake to reflect that.
Due to the unstable nature of flakes, updating the root flake doesn't
currently update the subflake lock file. Therefore, add additional
logic to flk update script in order to do this behind the scenes.
Nix is now pulled in from the "nix" registry flake in order for users
to take advantage of improvements to the UI since its last update in
* Update the readme to pull from cachix first, so users don't have to
build nix.
* Pull `nixFlakes` from override for slightly newer ui, and consistency
for users who change the nixos flake ref to something newer.