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7 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Add changed vi keybindings
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
2023-02-07 13:14:30 +01:00
Working bash system 2023-02-03 01:31:34 +01:00
Merge branch 'feature/bash-blesh-starship' into b12f-bash 2023-02-03 01:14:07 +01:00
bash: agenix secret only exists in teutat3s branch
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is passing
2023-02-02 17:50:23 +01:00
bash: clean up unneeded starship.toml
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is failing
2023-02-02 17:46:00 +01:00
bash: tweaks and starship ricing
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is failing
2023-02-02 17:38:04 +01:00
terminal-life: switch from zsh to bash & starship 2023-02-02 17:37:42 +01:00
9 changed files with 289 additions and 18 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
}: let
psCfg =;
xdg = config.home-manager.users."${}".xdg;
in {
enable = true;
historyControl = ["ignorespace"];
# Run when initializing a login shell
profileExtra = ''
[ "$(tty)" = "/dev/tty1" ] && exec ${pkgs.sway-service}/bin/sway-service
# Run when initializing an interactive shell
initExtra = ''
# If a command is not found, show me where it is
source ${pkgs.nix-index}/etc/profile.d/
# Helps you navigate directories faster
eval "$(${pkgs.jump}/bin/jump shell --bind=z)"
eval "$(${pkgs.direnv}/bin/direnv hook bash)"
# Syntax highlighting, auto suggestions, vim modes, etc.
source "$(blesh-share)" --attach=none
# ctrl + space to accept autocomplete suggestion
ble-bind -m 'auto_complete' -f 'C-@' 'auto_complete/insert-on-end'
# Meta (Alt) + Backspace to delete a word
ble-bind -m 'emacs' -f 'M-C-?' 'kill-backward-cword'
# Meta (Alt) + p to jump one word backwards
ble-bind -m 'emacs' -f M-p '@nomarked backward-cword'
# Meta (Alt) + n to jump one word forwards
ble-bind -m 'emacs' -f M-n '@nomarked forward-cword'
# Arrow up and Ctrl + p searches history for entered input
ble-bind -f up 'history-search-backward hide-status:immediate-accept:empty=emulate-readline:point=end'
ble-bind -f C-p 'history-search-backward hide-status:immediate-accept:empty=emulate-readline:point=end'
# Arrow down and Ctrl + n searches history for entered input
ble-bind -f down 'history-search-forward hide-status:immediate-accept:empty=emulate-readline:point=end'
ble-bind -f C-n 'history-search-forward hide-status:immediate-accept:empty=emulate-readline:point=end'
function my/complete-load-hook {
bleopt complete_auto_delay=300
blehook/eval-after-load complete my/complete-load-hook
bleopt exec_errexit_mark=
bleopt history_share=1
bleopt filename_ls_colors="$LS_COLORS"
# Bash vim mode keybindings
if [[ $- == *i* ]]; then # in interactive session
set -o vi
ble-bind -m vi_imap -f 'ENTER' 'vi_imap/complete'
ble-bind -m vi_imap -f 'TAB' 'vi_imap/complete'
ble-bind -m vi_imap -f 'j j' 'vi_imap/normal-mode'
ble-bind -m vi_imap -f 'ESC' 'vi_imap/normal-mode'
ble-bind -m vi_nmap -f 'h' 'vi_nmap/insert-mode'
ble-bind -m vi_nmap -f 'i' 'vi-command/backward-line'
ble-bind -m vi_nmap -f 'j' 'vi-command/backward-char'
ble-bind -m vi_nmap -f 'k' 'vi-command/forward-line'
ble-bind -m vi_nmap -f 'l' 'vi-command/forward-char'
# end of .bashrc
[[ ''${BLE_VERSION-} ]] && ble-attach
shellAliases = {
nano = "nvim";
vi = "nvim";
vim = "nvim";
mutt = "neomutt";
ls = "exa";
la = "exa --group-directories-first -lag";
fm = "vifm .";
vifm = "vifm .";
wget = "wget --hsts-file=$XDG_CACHE_HOME/wget-hsts";
irssi = "irssi --config=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/irssi/config --home=$XDG_DATA_HOME/irssi";
drone = "DRONE_TOKEN=$(secret-tool lookup drone token) drone";
no = "manix \"\" | grep '^# ' | sed 's/^# \(.*\) (.*/\1/;s/ (.*//;s/^# //' | fzf --preview=\"manix '{}'\" | xargs manix";
# fix nixos-option
nixos-option = "nixos-option -I nixpkgs=${self}/lib/compat";
myip = "dig +short @ 2>&1";

View file

@ -24,27 +24,29 @@ in {
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
programs.command-not-found.enable = false;
# Needed to get zsh completion for system packages (e.g. systemd).
environment.pathsToLink = ["/share/zsh"];
environment.shells = with pkgs; [
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
# Starship is a fast and featureful shell prompt
# starship.toml has sane defaults that can be changed there
programs.starship = {
enable = true;
settings = import ./starship.toml.nix;
home-manager = with pkgs;
pkgs.lib.setAttrByPath ["users"] {
home.packages = [
@ -52,18 +54,18 @@ in {
programs.neovim = import ./nvim {
programs.bash = import ./bash {
inherit config;
inherit pkgs;
inherit self;
programs.fzf = import ./fzf {
inherit config;
inherit pkgs;
programs.zsh = import ./zsh {
programs.neovim = import ./nvim {
inherit config;
inherit pkgs;
inherit self;

View file

@ -10,5 +10,5 @@
enableZshIntegration = true;
enableBashIntegration = true;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
format = "$directory($git_branch$git_commit$git_state$git_status)($c$deno$golang$haskell$nodejs$php$python$ruby$rust$terraform[](fg:#86BBD8 bg:#06969A))($docker_context[](fg:#06969A))($container)$fill(\${custom.triton})$nix_shell$status[ |](fg:#F85E84)$line_break$character";
# Disable the blank line at the start of the prompt
add_newline = false;
# You can also replace your username with a neat symbol like  to save some space
#username = {
# show_always = true;
# style_user = "bg:#9A348E";
# style_root = "bg:#9A348E";
# format = ''[$user ]($style)'';
character = {
success_symbol = "[](bold purple)";
error_symbol = "[](#FF4B00)";
status = {
disabled = false;
style = "#FF4B00";
fill = {
symbol = "-";
#style = "bold green";
style = "black";
directory = {
style = "#F85E84";
truncate_to_repo = false;
fish_style_pwd_dir_length = 1;
truncation_symbol = "/";
format = "[](fg:black bg:#F85E84)[$path[$read_only](bg:$style fg:black)](bg:$style fg:black)[](fg:$style)";
read_only = " ";
# Here is how you can shorten some long paths by text replacement
# similar to mapped_locations in Oh My Posh:
directory.substitutions = {
"Documents" = " ";
"Downloads" = " ";
"Music" = " ";
"Pictures" = " ";
# Keep in mind that the order matters. For example:
# "Important Documents" = "  "
# will not be replaced, because "Documents" was already substituted before.
# So either put "Important Documents" before "Documents" or use the substituted version:
# "Important  " = "  "
c = {
symbol = " ";
style = "bg:#86BBD8";
format = ''[ $symbol ($version) ]($style)'';
#container = {};
custom = {
triton = {
command = "echo $TRITON_PROFILE";
when = "test $TRITON_PROFILE";
format = "[ ](fg:#F85E84 bg:#1A181A)[$output](fg:#F85E84 bg:#1A181A)";
description = "The current triton profile";
docker_context = {
symbol = " ";
style = "bg:#06969A";
format = ''[ $symbol $context ]($style) $path'';
#deno = {};
git_branch = {
style = "#E5C463";
format = "[](fg:black bg:$style)[ $symbol$branch](fg:black bg:$style)[](fg:$style)";
git_commit = {
style = "#E5C463";
# ^H is the literal backspace character which renders to \b in the final
# starship config TOML, produced in insert mode via ctrl+v then ctrl+h.
# We use the literal character, because escaping a single \ doesn't work
# with pkgs.formats.toml, see: and
format = "[ ](bg:$style)[\\($hash$tag\\)](fg:black bg:$style)[](fg:$style)";
git_state = {
style = "#E5C463";
format = "[ ](bg:$style)[ \\($state( $progress_current/$progress_total)\\)](fg:black bg:$style)[](fg:$style)";
git_status = {
style = "#E5C463";
format = "([ ](bg:$style fg:black)$conflicted$staged$modified$renamed$deleted$untracked$stashed$ahead_behind[](fg:$style))";
conflicted = "[ ](bold fg:88 bg:#E5C463)[ \${count} ](fg:black bg:#E5C463)";
staged = "[ $count ](fg:black bg:#E5C463)";
modified = "[ \${count} ](fg:black bg:#E5C463)";
renamed = "[ \${count} ](fg:black bg:#E5C463)";
deleted = "[ \${count} ](fg:black bg:#E5C463)";
untracked = "[?\${count} ](fg:black bg:#E5C463)";
stashed = "[ \${count} ](fg:black bg:#E5C463)";
ahead = "[ \${count} ](fg:#523333 bg:#E5C463)";
behind = "[ \${count} ](fg:black bg:#E5C463)";
diverged = "[ ](fg:88 bg:#E5C463)[ ](fg:black bg:#E5C463)[ \${ahead_count} ](fg:black bg:#E5C463)[ \${behind_count} ](fg:black bg:#E5C463)";
golang = {
symbol = " ";
style = "bg:#86BBD8";
format = ''[ $symbol ($version) ]($style)'';
haskell = {
symbol = " ";
style = "bg:#86BBD8";
format = ''[ $symbol ($version) ]($style)'';
nix_shell = {
format = ''[$symbol]($style) '';
symbol = " ";
nodejs = {
symbol = "";
style = "bg:#86BBD8";
format = ''[ $symbol ($version) ]($style)'';
php = {
symbol = " ";
python = {
symbol = " ";
ruby = {
symbol = " ";
rust = {
symbol = "";
style = "bg:#86BBD8";
format = ''[ $symbol ($version) ]($style)'';
#terraform = {};
time = {
disabled = false;
time_format = "%R"; # Hour:Minute Format
style = "bg:#33658A";
format = ''[ $time ]($style)'';

overlays/blesh.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
final: prev: {
blesh = prev.blesh.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
version = "unstable-2023-02-01";
src = prev.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "akinomyoga";
repo = "";
rev = "0ceb0cb38157c2c37650ffb069098783338eb02c";
hash = "sha256-f3w3gHKysRafBGcZbCPUvy9e/fOrQc9TBZAjb0ioxpo=";
fetchSubmodules = true;
leaveDotGit = true;

View file

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
with self; ''
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# terminal application launcher for sway, using fzf
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# original command:
# Based on:
# bindsym $altkey+space exec termite --name=launcher -e \

View file

@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ in {
shell = pkgs.bash;
initialHashedPassword =
if psCfg.user.password != null
then psCfg.user.password
else "";
shell = pkgs.zsh;
openssh.authorizedKeys.keys =
if psCfg.user.publicKeys != null
then psCfg.user.publicKeys

View file

@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ in {
fonts.fontconfig.enable = mkForce true;
programs.dircolors.enable = true;
programs.dircolors.enableZshIntegration = true;
home.file."xinitrc".source = ./.xinitrc;

View file

@ -107,9 +107,10 @@ in {
xdg.configFile."msmtp/config".source = ./.config/msmtp/config;
# xdg.configFile."wallpaper.jpg".source = ./assets/wallpaper.jpg;
programs.zsh = {
initExtra = import ./zshrc.nix {inherit config;};
# programs.zsh = {
# initExtra = import ./zshrc.nix {inherit config;};
# };
age.secrets."mopidy.conf" = {