# NixOS API Container

Configure your nixos modules, profiles & suites.

## nixos

hosts, modules, suites, and profiles for NixOS

submodule or path convertible to it



## nixos.hostDefaults

Defaults for all hosts.
the modules passed under hostDefaults will be exported
to the 'nixosModules' flake output.
They will also be added to all hosts.




## nixos.hostDefaults.channelName

Channel this host should follow

channel defined in `channels`

## nixos.hostDefaults.exportedModules

modules to include in all hosts and export to nixosModules output

list of valid modules or anything convertible to it or path convertible to it



## nixos.hostDefaults.externalModules

The `externalModules` option has been removed.
Any modules that should be exported should be defined with the `exportedModules`
option and all other modules should just go into the `modules` option.

list of valid modules or anything convertible to it



## nixos.hostDefaults.modules

modules to include that won't be exported
meant importing modules from external flakes

list of valid modules or anything convertible to it or path convertible to it



## nixos.hostDefaults.system

system for this host

null or system defined in `supportedSystems`



## nixos.hosts

configurations to include in the nixosConfigurations output

attribute set of submodules



## nixos.hosts.\<name\>.channelName

Channel this host should follow

null or channel defined in `channels`



## nixos.hosts.\<name\>.modules

modules to include

list of valid modules or anything convertible to it or path convertible to it



## nixos.hosts.\<name\>.system

system for this host

null or system defined in `supportedSystems`



## nixos.hosts.\<name\>.tests

tests to run

list of valid NixOS test or path convertible to its or anything convertible to it




{"_type":"literalExpression","text":"[\n  {\n    name = \"testname1\";\n    machine = { ... };\n    testScript = ''\n      # ...\n    '';\n  }\n  ({ corutils, writers, ... }: {\n    name = \"testname2\";\n    machine = { ... };\n    testScript = ''\n      # ...\n    '';\n  })\n  ./path/to/test.nix\n];\n"}

## nixos.importables

Packages of paths to be passed to modules as `specialArgs`.

attribute set



## nixos.importables.suites

collections of profiles

null or attribute set of list of paths or anything convertible to its or path convertible to it

