{ config, lib, pkgs, self, ... }: let pubsolarDomain = import ./pubsolar-domain.nix; in { networking.networkmanager.unmanaged = ["interface-name:ve-caddy"]; networking.nat = { enable = true; internalInterfaces = ["ve-caddy"]; externalInterface = "enp0s31f6"; # Lazy IPv6 connectivity for the container enableIPv6 = true; }; containers.caddy = { autoStart = true; privateNetwork = true; hostAddress = ""; localAddress = ""; hostAddress6 = "fc00::1"; localAddress6 = "fc00::2"; forwardPorts = [ { containerPort = 443; hostPort = 443; protocol = "tcp"; } { containerPort = 80; hostPort = 80; protocol = "tcp"; } ]; bindMounts = { "/srv/www/" = { hostPath = "/data/www/"; isReadOnly = false; }; }; config = { services.caddy = { enable = lib.mkForce true; group = "hakkonaut"; email = "admins@pub.solar"; globalConfig = lib.mkForce '' auto_https off ''; acmeCA = null; virtualHosts = { "dashboard.nougat-2.b12f.io" = { extraConfig = '' reverse_proxy :2019 ''; }; "www.b12f.io" = { extraConfig = '' redir https://pub.solar{uri} ''; }; "mail.b12f.io" = { extraConfig = '' redir / /realms/pub.solar/account temporary reverse_proxy :8080 ''; }; "${pubsolarDomain}" = { logFormat = lib.mkForce '' output discard ''; extraConfig = '' # PubSolarOS images handle /os/download/* { root * /srv/www file_server /os/download/* browse } # serve base domain pub.solar for mastodon.pub.solar # https://masto.host/mastodon-usernames-different-from-the-domain-used-for-installation/ handle /.well-known/host-meta { redir https://mastodon.${pubsolarDomain}{uri} } # pub.solar website handle { root * /srv/www/pub.solar try_files {path}.html {path} file_server } # minimal error handling, respond with status code and text handle_errors { respond "{http.error.status_code} {http.error.status_text}" } ''; }; "www.${pubsolarDomain}" = { logFormat = lib.mkForce '' output discard ''; extraConfig = '' redir https://${pubsolarDomain}{uri} ''; }; "auth.${pubsolarDomain}" = { logFormat = lib.mkForce '' output discard ''; extraConfig = '' redir / /realms/${pubsolarDomain}/account temporary reverse_proxy ''; }; "git.${pubsolarDomain}" = { logFormat = lib.mkForce '' output discard ''; extraConfig = '' redir /user/login /user/oauth2/keycloak temporary reverse_proxy ''; }; "ci.${pubsolarDomain}" = { logFormat = lib.mkForce '' output discard ''; extraConfig = '' reverse_proxy ''; }; }; }; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [80 443]; }; }; }