{ pkgs, extraModulesPath, ... }:

  hooks = import ./hooks;

  pkgWithCategory = category: package: { inherit package category; };
  linter = pkgWithCategory "linter";
  docs = pkgWithCategory "docs";
  devos = pkgWithCategory "devos";

  _file = toString ./.;

  imports = [ "${extraModulesPath}/git/hooks.nix" ];
  git = { inherit hooks; };

  # override for our own welcome
  devshell.name = pkgs.lib.mkForce "PubSolarOS";

  # tempfix: remove when merged https://github.com/numtide/devshell/pull/123
  devshell.startup.load_profiles = pkgs.lib.mkForce (pkgs.lib.noDepEntry ''
    # PATH is devshell's exorbitant privilige:
    # fence against its pollution
    # Load installed profiles
    for file in "$DEVSHELL_DIR/etc/profile.d/"*.sh; do
      # If that folder doesn't exist, bash loves to return the whole glob
      [[ -f "$file" ]] && source "$file"
    # Exert exorbitant privilige and leave no trace
    export PATH=''${_PATH}
    unset _PATH

  packages = with pkgs; [

  commands = with pkgs; [
    (devos nixFlakes)
    (devos agenix)
      category = "devos";
      name = pkgs.nvfetcher-bin.pname;
      help = pkgs.nvfetcher-bin.meta.description;
      command = "cd $PRJ_ROOT/pkgs; ${pkgs.nvfetcher-bin}/bin/nvfetcher -c ./sources.toml $@";
    (linter nixpkgs-fmt)
    (linter editorconfig-checker)
    # (docs python3Packages.grip) too many deps
    (docs mdbook)

  ++ lib.optional
    (pkgs ? deploy-rs)
    (devos deploy-rs.deploy-rs)

  ++ lib.optional
    (system != "i686-linux")
    (devos cachix)
