self: with self; '' #!/usr/bin/env bash # original command: # Based on: # bindsym $altkey+space exec termite --name=launcher -e \ # "bash -c 'compgen -c | sort -u | fzf --no-extended --print-query | \ # tail -n1 | xargs -r swaymsg -t command exec'" HIST_FILE="''${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/sway-launcher-history.txt" # Get shell command list # This may include the occasional non-executable file command_list=$({ compgen -c | sed 's/:[^:]*$//'; }) # read existing command history if [ -f "$HIST_FILE" ]; then command_history=$(cat "$HIST_FILE") else command_history="" fi # search command list command_str=$(printf "%s\n" "''${command_history}" "''${command_list}" | \ sed -E 's/^[0-9]+ (.+)$/\1/' | \ fzf --color=16 --exact --no-extended --print-query --no-sort | \ tail -n1) || exit 1 if [ "$command_str" = "" ]; then exit 1 fi # echo "Command: $command_str" # using \E flag from perl regex test "''${command_str#*\\E}" != "$command_str" && echo "command can't contain '\E'" test "''${command_str#*\\E}" != "$command_str" && exit 1 # get full line from history (with count number) hist_line=$(echo "$command_history" | grep -Pe "^[0-9]+ \Q$command_str\E$") # echo "Hist Line: $hist_line" if [ "$hist_line" = "" ]; then hist_count=1 else # Increment usage count hist_count=$(echo "$hist_line" | sed -E 's/^([0-9]+) .+$/\1/') hist_count=$((hist_count + 1)) # delete line, to add updated later # echo "Hist Before: $command_history" command_history=$(echo "$command_history" | \ grep --invert-match -Pe "^[0-9]+ \Q$command_str\E$") # echo "Hist After: $command_history" fi # update history update_line="''${hist_count} ''${command_str}" printf "%s\n" "''${update_line}" "''${command_history}" | \ sort --numeric-sort --reverse > "$HIST_FILE" # echo "$update_line" # execute command echo "$command_str" ${sway}/bin/swaymsg -t command exec "$command_str" ''