--- kind: pipeline type: docker name: Check steps: - name: "Check" image: docker.nix-community.org/nixpkgs/nix-flakes:latest when: event: - pull_request environment: NIX_FLAGS: "--print-build-logs --verbose" commands: - 'echo DEBUG: Using NIX_FLAGS: $NIX_FLAGS' - nix $$NIX_FLAGS develop --command nix flake show - nix $$NIX_FLAGS build ".#nixosConfigurations.PubSolarOS.config.system.build.toplevel" --- kind: pipeline type: exec name: Tests steps: - name: "Tests" environment: NIX_FLAGS: "--print-build-logs --verbose" commands: - 'echo DEBUG: Using NIX_FLAGS: $NIX_FLAGS' - nix $$NIX_FLAGS build ".#checks.x86_64-linux.customTestFor-PubSolarOS-firstTest" - nix-store --read-log result - nix $$NIX_FLAGS flake check - nix $$NIX_FLAGS develop --command echo OK - name: "Upload artifacts" environment: TRITON_DONT_SOURCE_PROFILE: 1 PRIVATE_SSH_KEY: from_secret: private_ssh_key MANTA_USER: pub_solar MANTA_URL: https://eu-central.manta.greenbaum.cloud MANTA_KEY_ID: "5d:5f:3d:22:8d:37:1f:e6:d6:ab:06:18:d9:a2:04:67" commands: - export TARGET_DIR="ci/$${DRONE_REPO}/$${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}" - echo env var TARGET_DIR is set to $$TARGET_DIR - "mkdir ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh" - echo "$$PRIVATE_SSH_KEY" > ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 - nix flake new --template "git+https://git.greenbaum.cloud/dev/tritonshell?ref=main" ./tritonshell - git add tritonshell - cd tritonshell - nix develop --command mput -p -f ../result/foot_wayland_info.png ~~/public/$${TARGET_DIR}/ - nix develop --command mput -p -f ../result/test-wayland.out ~~/public/$${TARGET_DIR}/ trigger: ref: - refs/tags/v* - refs/tags/t* --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: Notification steps: - name: "Notify matrix" image: plugins/matrix settings: homeserver: https://matrix.pub.solar roomid: dfQBqwkhIzrFjMSsxy:pub.solar username: from_secret: matrix_username password: from_secret: matrix_password template: "Test run triggered by tag: {{ tag }}. Test run exit status: {{ build.status }}. Artifacts uploaded to Manta: https://eu-central.manta.greenbaum.cloud/pub_solar/public/ci/{{ repo.Owner }}/{{ repo.Name }}/{{ build.number }}/foot_wayland_info.png" depends_on: - Tests trigger: ref: - refs/tags/v* - refs/tags/t* --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: Publish ISO steps: - name: "Build ISO" image: docker.nix-community.org/nixpkgs/nix-flakes:latest environment: NIX_FLAGS: "--print-build-logs --verbose" volumes: - name: file-exchange path: /var/nix/iso-cache commands: - | nix $$NIX_FLAGS build \ '.#nixosConfigurations.bootstrap.config.system.build.bootstrapIso' - cp $(readlink -f result)/iso/*.iso /var/nix/iso-cache/ - name: "Publish ISO" image: appleboy/drone-scp volumes: - name: file-exchange path: /var/nix/iso-cache settings: host: from_secret: ssh_host user: from_secret: ssh_user port: from_secret: ssh_port key: from_secret: ssh_key target: /srv/os source: - /var/nix/iso-cache/*.iso strip_components: 3 depends_on: - Check trigger: branch: - main event: - push volumes: - name: file-exchange temp: {} --- kind: signature hmac: ad6d73c433228f0ce706ff57bd116d1b7a98fbf01a61c0912bd8c58a40aa15bb ...