More specifically, it is a GNU/Linux distro based on NixOS.
The nerdy part of the community is creating it for their personal use. If you're into IT and especially Linux, it might be a fun thing to check out.
If you're interested in finding out what exactly makes PubSolarOS special and/or reading the code, check out [the Git repository on our gitea instance](
Since PubSolarOS is still in it's infancy the setup can be quite involved and documentation out of date (lol). Reach out to us via [#hakken in Matrix](
To verify the checksum download the [sha256 signature file](, place it next to the iso, and run a check:
Alles in und um PubSolarOS ist momentan in der Englischen Sprache. Falls du den Englischen Text auf dieser Seite nicht verstehst, macht es wahrscheinlich nicht viel Spaß PubSolarOS zu benutzen.