Hi! We are really excited that you are interested in contributing to Elk. Before submitting your contribution, please make sure to take a moment and read through the following guide.
Refer also to https://github.com/antfu/contribute.
You can use [StackBlitz Codeflow](https://stackblitz.com/codeflow) to fix bugs or implement features. You'll also see a Codeflow button on PRs to review them without a local setup. Once the elk repo has been cloned in Codeflow, the dev server will start automatically and print the URL to open the App. You should receive a prompt in the bottom-right suggesting to open it in the Editor or in another Tab. To learn more, check out the [Codeflow docs](https://developer.stackblitz.com/codeflow/what-is-codeflow).
3. The package manager used to install and link dependencies must be [pnpm](https://pnpm.io/) v7. To use it you must first enable [Corepack](https://github.com/nodejs/corepack) by running `corepack enable`. (Note: on Linux in a standard Node 16+ environment, you should follow the instructions to install via Node's `corepack` rather than using the `curl` command)
We recommend installing [ni](https://github.com/antfu/ni#ni), that will use the right package manager in each of your projects. If `ni` is installed, you can instead run:
nr dev
### Testing
Elk uses [Vitest](https://vitest.dev). You can run the test suite with:
In order to run Elk with PWA enabled, run `pnpm dev:pwa` in Elk's root folder to start dev server or `pnpm dev:mocked:pwa` to start dev server with `@elkdev@universeodon.com` user.
Sometimes when you push your changes to create a new pull request (PR), the CI can fail, but we cannot check the logs to see what went wrong.
If you are getting **Semantic Pull Request** error, please check the [Semantic Pull Request](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/#summary) documentation.
You can run the following commands on your local environment to fix CI errors:
Simple approach used by most websites of relying on direction set in HTML element does not work because direction for various items, such as timeline, does not always match direction set in HTML.
We've added some `UnoCSS` utilities styles to help you with that:
- Do not use `left/right` padding and margin: for example `pl-1`. Use `padding-inline-start/end` instead. So `pl-1` should be `ps-1`, `pr-1` should be `pe-1`. Same rules applies for margin.
- Do not use `rtl-` classes, such as `rtl-left-0`.
- For icons that should be rotated for RTL, add `class="rtl-flip"`. This can only be used for icons outside of elements with `dir="auto"`, such as timeline, and is the only exception from rule above. For icons inside timeline it might not work as expected.
- For absolute positioned elements, don't use `left/right`: for example `left-0`. Use `inset-inline-start/end` instead. `UnoCSS` shortcuts are `inset-is` for `inset-inline-start` and `inset-ie` for `inset-inline-end`. Example: `left-0` should be replaced with `inset-is-0`.
- If you need to change border radius for an entire left or right side, use `border-inline-start/end`. `UnoCSS` shortcuts are `rounded-is` for left side, `rounded-ie` for right side. Example: `rounded-l-5` should be replaced with `rounded-ie-5`.
- If you need to change border radius for one corner, use `border-start-end-radius` and similar rules. `UnoCSS` shortcuts are `rounded` + top/bottom as either `-bs` (top) or `-be` (bottom) + left/right as either `-is` (left) or `-ie` (right). Example: `rounded-tl-0` should be replaced with `rounded-bs-is-0`.
- If your language have multiple country variants, add the generic one for language only (only if there are a lot of common entries, you can always add it as a new one)
- Add all country variants files with empty `messages` object: `{}`
- Translate the strings in the generic language file
- Later, when anyone wants to add the corresponding translations for the country variant, you can override all entries in the corresponding file: check `en` (english variants), and override the entries in all country files, if you omit them, `i18n` module will use the language entry. You will need also copy from base file to the rest of country variants those messages not being shared (the Elk team is working on resolving this, assuming it can be resolved).
- If the generic language already exists:
- If the translation doesn't differ from the generic language, then add the corresponding translations in the corresponding file
- If the translation differs from the generic language, then add the corresponding translations in the corresponding file and remove it from the country variants entry
Check [Pluralization rule callback](https://vue-i18n.intlify.dev/guide/essentials/pluralization.html#custom-pluralization) for more info.
### Messages interpolation
Most of the messages used in Elk do not require any interpolation, however, there are some messages that require interpolation: check [Message Format Syntax](https://vue-i18n.intlify.dev/guide/essentials/syntax.html) for more info.
You can access the elements of the list using the object notation using the index: for example, `{0}` for the first element, `{1}` for the second, `{2}` for the third and so on.
#### Named interpolation
Elk will use named interpolation only to handle plurals for number formatting. We have 2 scenarios for this:
- using `plural`**with**`i18n-t` component
- using `plural`**without**`i18n-t` component
Check [Custom Plural Number Formatting Entries](#custom-plural-number-formatting-entries) for custom plural entries in Elk with available values for interpolation.
When using plural number formatting, we'll have always `{n}` available in the message, for example, `You have {n} new notifications|You have {n} new notification|You have {n} new notifications` or `You have no new notifications|You have 1 new notification|You have {n} new notifications`.
We've included `v` named parameter, it will be used to pass the formatted number using [Intl.NumberFormat::format](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat/format): will be the number with separators symbols. The exception to previous rule is when we're using `plural`**with**`i18n-t` component, in this case, we'll need to use `{0}` instead `{v}` to access the number.
Additionally, Elk will use [compact notation for numbers](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat/NumberFormat#parameters) for some entries, check `notation` and `compactDisplay` options: for example, `1K` for `1000`, `1M` for `1000000`, `1B` for `1000000000` and so on. That entry will be available in the message using `{v}` named parameter (or `{0}` if using the message **with**`i18n-t` component).
You can run this code in your browser console to see how it works:
-`action.boost_count` (no need to be included, we should use always `en-US` entry): `{0}` for formatted number and `{n}` for raw number - **{0} should be used**
-`action.favourite_count` (no need to be included, we should use always `en-US` entry): `{0}` for formatted number and `{n}` for raw number - **{0} should be used**
-`action.reply_count` (no need to be included, we should use always `en-US` entry): `{0}` for formatted number and `{n}` for raw number - **{0} should be used**
-`account.followers_count`: `{0}` for formatted number and `{n}` for raw number - **{0} should be used**
-`account.following_count`: `{0}` for formatted number and `{n}` for raw number - **{0} should be used**
-`account.posts_count`: `{0}` for formatted number and `{n}` for raw number - **{0} should be used**
-`compose.drafts`: `{v}` for formatted number and `{n}` for raw number - **{v} should be used**
-`notification.followed_you_count`: `{0}` for formatted number and `{n}` for raw number - **{0} should be used**
-`status.poll.count`: `{0}` for formatted number and `{n}` for raw number - **{0} should be used**
-`time_ago_options.*`: `{0}` for formatted number and `{n}` for raw number - **{0} should be used**: since numbers will be always small, we can also use `{n}`
-`timeline.show_new_items`: `{v}` for formatted number and `{n}` for raw number - **{v} should be used**