import type { Emoji } from 'masto' import type { DefaultTreeAdapterMap } from 'parse5' import { parseFragment } from 'parse5' import type { Component, VNode } from 'vue' import { Fragment, h, isVNode } from 'vue' import { RouterLink } from 'vue-router' import ContentCode from '~/components/content/ContentCode.vue' type Node = DefaultTreeAdapterMap['childNode'] type Element = DefaultTreeAdapterMap['element'] const CUSTOM_BLOCKS: Record = { 'custom-code': ContentCode, } function handleMention(el: Element) { // Redirect mentions to the user page if (el.tagName === 'a' && el.attrs.find(i => === 'class' && i.value.includes('mention'))) { const href = el.attrs.find(i => === 'href') if (href) { const matchUser = href.value.match(UserLinkRE) if (matchUser) { const [, server, username] = matchUser // Handles need to ignore server subdomains href.value = `/@${username}@${server.replace(/(.+\.)(.+\..+)/, '$2')}` } const matchTag = href.value.match(TagLinkRE) if (matchTag) { const [, , name] = matchTag href.value = `/tags/${name}` } } } return undefined } function handleBlocks(el: Element) { if (el.tagName in CUSTOM_BLOCKS) { const block = CUSTOM_BLOCKS[el.tagName] const attrs = Object.fromEntries( => [, i.value])) return h(block, attrs, () => } } function handleNode(el: Element) { return handleBlocks(el) || handleMention(el) || el } export function contentToVNode( content: string, customEmojis: Record = {}, ): VNode { content = content .trim() // handle custom emojis .replace(/:([\w-]+?):/g, (_, name) => { const emoji = customEmojis[name] if (emoji) return `${name}` return `:${name}:` }) // handle code frames .replace(/

(```|~~~)([\s\S]+?)\1(\s|)*<\/p>/g, (_1, _2, raw) => { const plain = htmlToText(`


`).trim() const [lang,] = plain.split(/\n/) return `` }) const tree = parseFragment(content) return h(Fragment, => treeToVNode(n))) } export function treeToVNode( input: Node, ): VNode | string | null { if (input.nodeName === '#text') // @ts-expect-error casing return input.value if ('childNodes' in input) { const node = handleNode(input) if (node == null) return null if (isVNode(node)) return node const attrs = Object.fromEntries( => [, i.value])) if (node.nodeName === 'a' && (attrs.href?.startsWith('/') || attrs.href?.startsWith('.'))) { = attrs.href delete attrs.href delete return h( RouterLink as any, attrs, () =>, ) } return h( node.nodeName, attrs,, ) } return null } function htmlToText(html: string) { const tree = parseFragment(html) return => treeToText(n)).join('') } function treeToText(input: Node): string { let pre = '' if (input.nodeName === '#text') // @ts-expect-error casing return input.value if (input.nodeName === 'br') return '\n' if (input.nodeName === 'p') pre = '\n' if ('childNodes' in input) return pre + => treeToText(n)).join('') return pre }