// Vitest Snapshot v1, https://vitest.dev/guide/snapshot.html exports[`content-rich > block with backticks 1`] = `"
[(\`number string) (\`tag string)]"`; exports[`content-rich > block with injected html, with a known language 1`] = ` "
<a href="javascript:alert(1)">click me</a>
exports[`content-rich > block with injected html, with an unknown language 1`] = `
<a href="javascript:alert(1)">click me</a>
exports[`content-rich > block with injected html, without language 1`] = `
<a href="javascript:alert(1)">click me</a>
exports[`content-rich > code frame 1`] = `
"Testing code block
import { useMouse, usePreferredDark } from '@vueuse/core' // tracks mouse position const { x, y } = useMouse() // is the user prefers dark theme const isDark = usePreferredDark()" `; exports[`content-rich > code frame 2 1`] = ` "
const a = hello" `; exports[`content-rich > code frame empty 1`] = `"
hello world
@elk @elk content @antfu @daniel @sxzz @patak content
" `; exports[`content-rich > custom emoji 1`] = ` "Daniel RoeDoes the following formatting come through accurately for you?
HTML block code:
<span class="icon--noto icon--noto--1st-place-medal"></span> <span class="icon--noto icon--noto--2nd-place-medal-medal"></span>" `; exports[`content-rich > hashtag adds bdi 1`] = ` "
Testing bdi is added #turkey
" `; exports[`content-rich > hashtag doesn't add 2 bdi 1`] = ` " " `; exports[`content-rich > hides collapsed mentions 1`] = ` "content
" `; exports[`content-rich > inline code with link 1`] = ` "
Inline code with link:
we’re now using
(migrated from chai+mocha)
@antfu content
" `; exports[`editor > transform mentions 1`] = ` " @elk Hello" `;