81 lines
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81 lines
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<script setup lang="ts">
import type { Status } from 'masto'
const { status } = defineProps<{
status: Status
// Use different states to let the user press different actions right after the other
const isLoading = $ref({ reblogged: false, favourited: false, bookmarked: false })
async function toggleStatusAction(action: 'reblogged' | 'favourited' | 'bookmarked', newStatus: Promise<Status>) {
// Optimistic update
Object.assign(status, { [action]: !status[action] })
try {
isLoading[action] = true
Object.assign(status, await newStatus)
finally {
isLoading[action] = false
const toggleReblog = () => toggleStatusAction(
masto.statuses[status.reblogged ? 'unreblog' : 'reblog'](status.id),
const toggleFavourite = () => toggleStatusAction(
masto.statuses[status.favourited ? 'unfavourite' : 'favourite'](status.id),
const toggleBookmark = () => toggleStatusAction(
masto.statuses[status.bookmarked ? 'unbookmark' : 'bookmark'](status.id),
<div flex gap-8>
<RouterLink flex gap-1 items-center w-full rounded op50 hover="op100 text-blue" group :to="`/@${status.account.acct}/${status.id}`">
<div rounded-full p2 group-hover="bg-blue/10">
<div i-ri:chat-3-line />
<span v-if="status.repliesCount">{{ status.repliesCount }}</span>
flex gap-1 items-center w-full rounded op50 hover="op100 text-green" group
:class="(status.reblogged ? 'text-green op100' : 'op50') + (isLoading.reblogged ? ' pointer-events-none' : '')"
<div rounded-full p2 group-hover="bg-green/10">
<div :class="status.reblogged ? 'i-ri:repeat-fill' : 'i-ri:repeat-line'" />
<span v-if="status.reblogsCount">{{ status.reblogsCount }}</span>
flex gap-1 items-center w-full rounded hover="op100 text-rose" group
:class="status.favourited ? 'text-rose op100' : 'op50'"
<div rounded-full p2 group-hover="bg-rose/10">
<div :class="(status.favourited ? 'i-ri:heart-3-fill' : 'i-ri:heart-3-line') + (isLoading.favourited ? ' pointer-events-none' : '')" />
<span v-if="status.favouritesCount">{{ status.favouritesCount }}</span>
flex gap-1 items-center w-full rounded hover="op100 text-yellow" group
:class="status.bookmarked ? 'text-yellow op100' : 'op50'"
<div rounded-full p2 group-hover="bg-rose/10">
<div :class="(status.bookmarked ? 'i-ri:bookmark-fill' : 'i-ri:bookmark-line') + (isLoading.bookmarked ? ' pointer-events-none' : '')" />
<!-- <button flex gap-1 items-center w-full rounded op50 hover="op100 text-purple" group>
<div rounded-full p2 group-hover="bg-purple/10">
<div i-ri:share-circle-line />
</button> -->