Vjacheslav Trushkin 727d05915f
fix: layout fixes for RTL languages (#591)
* fix: rtl arrows on settings page

* fix: border on settings page for RTL languages

* fix: RTL fixes for logo, search box and logout icon

* fix: RTL layout bugs in conversations

* chore: remove rtl setting icon

* improve arabic locale

* add new entries to arabic locale

* chore: include number format

* fix: RTL layout on several pages

* fix: RTL layout of account header and sign in modal

* fix: always display account handle in LTR

* fix: move character counter in publish widget to left side for RTL

* fix: remove border-ss-none unocss rule

* fix: many RTL fixes

* fix: RTL fixes for many pages

* fix: use viewer's direction in all content

* chore: use new arabic plural rules

* chore: flip arrow on main content header

* chore: fix StatusPoll and show_new_items for zh-TW

* chore: StatusPoll tooltip on bottom

* chore: add `en` variants to i18n conf

* chore: update entry to use new plural rule

* fix: automatic content direction for status

* fix: direction for account handle

* fix: direction of polls

Co-authored-by: userquin <userquin@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jean-Paul Khawam <jeanpaulkhawam@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Daniel Roe <daniel@roe.dev>
2023-01-01 15:29:11 +01:00

172 lines
4.8 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import Fuse from 'fuse.js'
import { $fetch } from 'ofetch'
import { DEFAULT_SERVER } from '~/constants'
const input = $ref<HTMLInputElement>()
let server = $ref<string>('')
let busy = $ref<boolean>(false)
let error = $ref<boolean>(false)
let displayError = $ref<boolean>(false)
let knownServers = $ref<string[]>([])
let autocompleteIndex = $ref(0)
let autocompleteShow = $ref(false)
async function oauth() {
if (busy)
busy = true
error = false
displayError = false
await nextTick()
if (server)
server = server.split('/')[0]
try {
location.href = await $fetch<string>(`/api/${server || DEFAULT_SERVER}/login`)
catch {
displayError = true
error = true
await nextTick()
await nextTick()
setTimeout(() => {
busy = false
error = false
}, 512)
async function handleInput() {
if (server.startsWith('https://'))
server = server.replace('https://', '')
if (server?.length)
displayError = false
let fuse = $shallowRef(new Fuse([] as string[]))
const filteredServers = $computed(() => {
if (!server)
return []
const results = fuse.search(server, { limit: 6 }).map(result => result.item)
if (results[0] === server)
return []
return results
function toSelector(server: string) {
return server.replace(/[^\w-]/g, '-')
function move(delta: number) {
autocompleteIndex = ((autocompleteIndex + delta) + filteredServers.length) % filteredServers.length
function onEnter(e: KeyboardEvent) {
if (autocompleteShow === true && filteredServers[autocompleteIndex]) {
server = filteredServers[autocompleteIndex]
autocompleteShow = false
function select(index: number) {
server = filteredServers[index]
onMounted(async () => {
knownServers = await $fetch('/api/list-servers')
fuse = new Fuse(knownServers, { shouldSort: true })
<form text-center justify-center items-center max-w-150 py6 flex="~ col gap-3" @submit.prevent="oauth">
<div flex="~ center" mb2>
<img src="/logo.svg" w-12 h-12 mxa height="48" width="48" :alt="$t('app_logo')" class="rtl-flip">
<div text-3xl>
{{ $t('action.sign_in') }}
{{ $t('user.server_address_label') }}
<div :class="error ? 'animate animate-shake-x animate-delay-100' : null">
flex bg-gray:10 px4 py2 mxa rounded
border="~ base" items-center font-mono
focus:outline-none focus:ring="2 primary inset"
:class="displayError ? 'border-red-600 dark:border-red-400' : null"
<span text-secondary-light me1>https://</span>
outline-none bg-transparent w-full max-w-50
@keydown.esc.prevent="autocompleteShow = false"
@focus="autocompleteShow = true"
v-if="autocompleteShow && filteredServers.length"
absolute left-6em right-0 top="100%"
bg-base rounded border="~ base"
z-10 shadow of-auto
v-for="(name, idx) in filteredServers"
px-2 py1 font-mono w-full text-left
:class="autocompleteIndex === idx ? 'text-primary font-bold' : null"
{{ name }}
<div min-h-4>
<Transition css enter-active-class="animate animate-fade-in">
<p v-if="displayError" role="alert" p-0 m-0 text-xs text-red-600 dark:text-red-400>
{{ $t('error.sign_in_error') }}
<div text-secondary text-sm flex>
<div i-ri:lightbulb-line me-1 />
<i18n-t keypath="user.tip_no_account">
<a href="https://joinmastodon.org/servers" target="_blank" hover="underline text-primary">{{ $t('user.tip_register_account') }}</a>
<button flex="~ row" gap-x-2 items-center btn-solid mt2 :disabled="!server || busy">
<span aria-hidden="true" inline-block :class="busy ? 'i-ri:loader-2-fill animate animate-spin' : 'i-ri:login-circle-line'" class="rtl-flip" />
{{ $t('action.sign_in') }}