{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: with lib; let psCfg = config.pub-solar; xdg = config.home-manager.users."${psCfg.user.name}".xdg; createService = import ./create-service.nix; in { options.pub-solar.virtualisation.rx5700xt = mkEnableOption "Use the bigger GPU for guests"; config = mkIf psCfg.virtualisation.enable { boot.extraModprobeConfig = "softdep amdgpu pre: vfio vfio_pci" + (if psCfg.virtualisation.rx5700xt then "\noptions vfio-pci ids=1002:731f,1002:ab38" else "\noptions vfio-pci ids=1002:699f,1002:aae0"); systemd.user.services = { vm-windows = createService { inherit config; inherit pkgs; inherit lib; vm = { name = "windows"; disk = "/dev/disk/by-id/ata-SanDisk_SDSSDA240G_162402455603"; id = "http://microsoft.com/win/10"; gpu = true; mountHome = false; }; }; vm-manjaro = createService { inherit config; inherit pkgs; inherit lib; vm = { name = "manjaro"; disk = "/dev/disk/by-id/ata-KINGSTON_SM2280S3G2240G_50026B726B0265CE"; id = "https://manjaro.org/download/#i3"; gpu = true; mountHome = true; }; }; }; }; }