### Output configuration # # Example configuration: # # output HDMI-A-1 resolution 1920x1080 position 1920,0 # # You can get the names of your outputs by running: swaymsg -t get_outputs set $main_screen HDMI-A-1 output $main_screen scale 1 #bindswitch lid:on output $main_screen disable #bindswitch lid:off output $main_screen enable bindsym $mod+Shift+x output $main_screen toggle # TODO when using more monitors ## Manual management of external displays # Set the shortcuts and what they do #set $mode_display HDMI (i) top, (j) left, (k) bottom, (l) right, (o) off #mode "$mode_display" { # bindsym i output HDMI-A-1 enable; output HDMI-A-1 pos 0 0 bg ~/Pictures/wallpapers/active.png fill; output eDP-1 pos 0 1080, mode "default" # bindsym j output HDMI-A-1 enable; output HDMI-A-1 pos 0 0 bg ~/Pictures/wallpapers/active.png fill; output eDP-1 pos 1920 0, mode "default" # bindsym k output HDMI-A-1 enable; output HDMI-A-1 pos 0 900 bg ~/Pictures/wallpapers/active.png fill; output eDP-1 pos 0 0, mode "default" # bindsym l output HDMI-A-1 enable; output HDMI-A-1 pos 1440 0 bg ~/Pictures/wallpapers/active.png fill; output eDP-1 pos 0 0, mode "default" # bindsym o output HDMI-A-1 disable, mode "default" # # # back to normal: Enter or Escape # bindsym Return mode "default" # bindsym Escape mode "default" #} ## Declare here the shortcut to bring the display selection menu #bindsym $mod+x mode "$mode_display"