forked from pub-solar/os
Overlays now live globally in the overlays directory. They will be pulled into the flake and the rest of your configuration automatically from there.
43 lines
994 B
43 lines
994 B
args@{ home, nixpkgs, self, ... }:
utils = import ../lib/utils.nix { lib = nixpkgs.lib; };
inherit (utils) recImport;
inherit (builtins) attrValues removeAttrs;
config = this:
nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem rec {
system = "x86_64-linux";
specialArgs.usr = utils;
modules = let
core = ../profiles/core.nix;
global = {
networking.hostName = this;
nix.nixPath = [
system.configurationRevision = self.rev;
nixpkgs.overlays = self.overlays;
local = import "${toString ./.}/${this}.nix";
flakeModules = removeAttrs self.nixosModules [ "profiles" ];
in attrValues flakeModules
++ [ core global local home.nixosModules.home-manager ];
hosts = recImport {
dir = ./.;
_import = config;
in hosts