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teutat3s pushed to feature/waybar-improved-calendar at pub-solar/os

  • a3c4719f9b waybar: use nvfetcher to get most recent version

2023-02-28 13:07:12 +00:00

teutat3s created branch feature/waybar-improved-calendar in pub-solar/os

2023-02-28 13:07:12 +00:00

teutat3s created branch fix/waybar-icon-size in pub-solar/os

2023-02-28 13:03:37 +00:00

teutat3s pushed to fix/waybar-icon-size at pub-solar/os

2023-02-28 13:03:37 +00:00

teutat3s pushed to teutat3s-bash at pub-solar/os

2023-02-28 13:01:18 +00:00

teutat3s pushed to main at MiOM/miom.space

2023-02-28 01:24:42 +00:00

teutat3s pushed tag 1.0.12 to MiOM/miom.space

2023-02-28 01:24:42 +00:00

teutat3s deleted tag 1.0.12 from MiOM/miom.space

2023-02-28 01:24:06 +00:00

teutat3s pushed tag 1.0.12 to MiOM/miom.space

2023-02-28 01:20:21 +00:00

teutat3s pushed to main at MiOM/miom.space

  • d62227c14f ci: add docker compose project name to ensure

2023-02-28 01:20:21 +00:00

teutat3s suggested changes for pub-solar/os#172

Add link for satzung in caddy

If the statutes ever change, the `permanent` might cause trouble, don't you think? Let's change it to `temporary`, just to be safe.

2023-02-27 23:28:35 +00:00

teutat3s pushed to main at MiOM/miom.space

  • f82f10596c ci: fix docker login using --password-stdin

2023-02-27 19:38:43 +00:00

teutat3s pushed tag 1.0.11 to MiOM/miom.space

2023-02-27 19:38:43 +00:00

teutat3s approved pub-solar/infra-vintage#6

Update 'www/caddy/Caddyfile'

- pub.solar now lives on flora-6 https://git.pub.solar/pub-solar/os/src/commit/359a82a28e0bf73a5d2e4d2bb32c16d08968bc5f/hosts/flora-6/caddy.nix#L19

2023-02-27 19:33:20 +00:00

teutat3s pushed to caddy-redirect-satzung at pub-solar/infra-vintage

2023-02-27 19:32:13 +00:00

teutat3s pushed to main at MiOM/miom.space

2023-02-27 17:18:23 +00:00

teutat3s pushed tag 1.0.10 to MiOM/miom.space

2023-02-27 17:18:23 +00:00

teutat3s pushed to main at MiOM/miom.space

  • d10c6d5199 ci: debugging error from docker login

2023-02-27 17:12:38 +00:00

teutat3s pushed tag 1.0.9 to MiOM/miom.space

2023-02-27 17:12:38 +00:00

teutat3s pushed tag 1.0.8 to MiOM/miom.space

2023-02-27 16:46:28 +00:00