Updated README.md

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Erik van der Zalm 2013-06-02 16:26:42 +02:00
parent a0729f0c3a
commit 4de419e26e

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@ -2,14 +2,7 @@
Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
The configuration is now split in two files:
Configuration.h for the normal settings
Configuration_adv.h for the advanced settings
Gen7T is not supported.
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Quick Information
@ -133,57 +126,98 @@ necessary for backwards compatibility.
An interrupt is used to manage ADC conversions, and enforce checking for critical temperatures.
This leads to less blocking in the heater management routine.
Implemented G Codes:
Non-standard M-Codes, different to an old version of sprinter:
* G0 -> G1
* G1 - Coordinated Movement X Y Z E
* G2 - CW ARC
* G3 - CCW ARC
* G4 - Dwell S<seconds> or P<milliseconds>
* G10 - retract filament according to settings of M207
* G11 - retract recover filament according to settings of M208
* G28 - Home all Axis
* G90 - Use Absolute Coordinates
* G91 - Use Relative Coordinates
* G92 - Set current position to cordinates given
* G2 - CW ARC
* G3 - CCW ARC
RepRap M Codes
* M0 - Unconditional stop - Wait for user to press a button on the LCD (Only if ULTRA_LCD is enabled)
* M1 - Same as M0
* M104 - Set extruder target temp
* M105 - Read current temp
* M106 - Fan on
* M107 - Fan off
* M109 - Wait for extruder current temp to reach target temp.
* M114 - Display current position
Custom M Codes
* M17 - Enable/Power all stepper motors
* M18 - Disable all stepper motors; same as M84
* M20 - List SD card
* M21 - Init SD card
* M22 - Release SD card
* M23 - Select SD file (M23 filename.g)
* M24 - Start/resume SD print
* M25 - Pause SD print
* M26 - Set SD position in bytes (M26 S12345)
* M27 - Report SD print status
* M28 - Start SD write (M28 filename.g)
* M29 - Stop SD write
* M30 - Delete file from SD (M30 filename.g)
* M31 - Output time since last M109 or SD card start to serial
* M42 - Change pin status via gcode Use M42 Px Sy to set pin x to value y, when omitting Px the onboard led will be used.
* M80 - Turn on Power Supply
* M81 - Turn off Power Supply
* M82 - Set E codes absolute (default)
* M83 - Set E codes relative while in Absolute Coordinates (G90) mode
* M84 - Disable steppers until next move, or use S<seconds> to specify an inactivity timeout, after which the steppers will be disabled. S0 to disable the timeout.
* M85 - Set inactivity shutdown timer with parameter S<seconds>. To disable set zero (default)
* M92 - Set axis_steps_per_unit - same syntax as G92
* M114 - Output current position to serial port
* M115 - Capabilities string
* M117 - display message
* M119 - Output Endstop status to serial port
* M126 - Solenoid Air Valve Open (BariCUDA support by jmil)
* M127 - Solenoid Air Valve Closed (BariCUDA vent to atmospheric pressure by jmil)
* M128 - EtoP Open (BariCUDA EtoP = electricity to air pressure transducer by jmil)
* M129 - EtoP Closed (BariCUDA EtoP = electricity to air pressure transducer by jmil)
* M140 - Set bed target temp
* M190 - Wait for bed current temp to reach target temp.
* M200 - Set filament diameter
* M201 - Set max acceleration in units/s^2 for print moves (M201 X1000 Y1000)
* M202 - Set max acceleration in units/s^2 for travel moves (M202 X1000 Y1000) Unused in Marlin!!
* M203 - Set maximum feedrate that your machine can sustain (M203 X200 Y200 Z300 E10000) in mm/sec
* M204 - Set default acceleration: S normal moves T filament only moves (M204 S3000 T7000) im mm/sec^2 also sets minimum segment time in ms (B20000) to prevent buffer underruns and M20 minimum feedrate
* M205 - advanced settings: minimum travel speed S=while printing T=travel only, B=minimum segment time X= maximum xy jerk, Z=maximum Z jerk, E=maximum E jerk
* M206 - set additional homeing offset
* M207 - set retract length S[positive mm] F[feedrate mm/sec] Z[additional zlift/hop]
* M208 - set recover=unretract length S[positive mm surplus to the M207 S*] F[feedrate mm/sec]
* M209 - S<1=true/0=false> enable automatic retract detect if the slicer did not support G10/11: every normal extrude-only move will be classified as retract depending on the direction.
* M218 - set hotend offset (in mm): T<extruder_number> X<offset_on_X> Y<offset_on_Y>
* M220 S<factor in percent>- set speed factor override percentage
* M221 S<factor in percent>- set extrude factor override percentage
* M240 - Trigger a camera to take a photograph
* M280 - set servo position absolute. P: servo index, S: angle or microseconds
* M300 - Play beepsound S<frequency Hz> P<duration ms>
* M301 - Set PID parameters P I and D
* M302 - Allow cold extrudes
* M303 - PID relay autotune S<temperature> sets the target temperature. (default target temperature = 150C)
* M304 - Set bed PID parameters P I and D
* M400 - Finish all moves
* M500 - stores paramters in EEPROM
* M501 - reads parameters from EEPROM (if you need reset them after you changed them temporarily).
* M502 - reverts to the default "factory settings". You still need to store them in EEPROM afterwards if you want to.
* M503 - print the current settings (from memory not from eeprom)
* M540 - Use S[0|1] to enable or disable the stop SD card print on endstop hit (requires ABORT_ON_ENDSTOP_HIT_FEATURE_ENABLED)
* M600 - Pause for filament change X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]
* M907 - Set digital trimpot motor current using axis codes.
* M908 - Control digital trimpot directly.
* M350 - Set microstepping mode.
* M351 - Toggle MS1 MS2 pins directly.
* M928 - Start SD logging (M928 filename.g) - ended by M29
* M999 - Restart after being stopped by error
* M17 - Enable/Power all stepper motors. Compatibility to ReplicatorG.
* M18 - Disable all stepper motors; same as M84.Compatibility to ReplicatorG.
* M30 - Print time since last M109 or SD card start to serial
* M42 - Change pin status via gcode
* M80 - Turn on Power Supply
* M81 - Turn off Power Supply
* M114 - Output current position to serial port
* M119 - Output Endstop status to serial port
Movement variables:
* M202 - Set max acceleration in units/s^2 for travel moves (M202 X1000 Y1000) Unused in Marlin!!
* M203 - Set maximum feedrate that your machine can sustain (M203 X200 Y200 Z300 E10000) in mm/sec
* M204 - Set default acceleration: S normal moves T filament only moves (M204 S3000 T7000) im mm/sec^2 also sets minimum segment time in ms (B20000) to prevent buffer underruns and M20 minimum feedrate
* M206 - set home offsets. This sets the X,Y,Z coordinates of the endstops (and is added to the {X,Y,Z}_HOME_POS configuration options (and is also added to the coordinates, if any, provided to G82, as with earlier firmware)
* M220 - set build speed mulitplying S:factor in percent ; aka "realtime tuneing in the gcode". So you can slow down if you have islands in one height-range, and speed up otherwise.
* M221 - set the extrude multiplying S:factor in percent
* M400 - Finish all buffered moves.
Temperature variables:
* M301 - Set PID parameters P I and D
* M302 - Allow cold extrudes
* M303 - PID relay autotune S<temperature> sets the target temperature. (default target temperature = 150C)
* M200 - Set filament diameter for advance
* M205 - advanced settings: minimum travel speed S=while printing T=travel only, B=minimum segment time X= maximum xy jerk, Z=maximum Z jerk
* M500 - stores paramters in EEPROM. This parameters are stored: axis_steps_per_unit, max_feedrate, max_acceleration ,acceleration,retract_acceleration,
minimumfeedrate,mintravelfeedrate,minsegmenttime, jerk velocities, PID
* M501 - reads parameters from EEPROM (if you need reset them after you changed them temporarily).
* M502 - reverts to the default "factory settings". You still need to store them in EEPROM afterwards if you want to.
* M503 - print the current settings (from memory not from eeprom)
* M240 - Trigger a camera to take a photograph
* M999 - Restart after being stopped by error
Configuring and compilation:
@ -194,12 +228,7 @@ Install the arduino software IDE/toolset v23 (Some configurations also work with
For gen6/gen7 and sanguinololu the Sanguino directory in the Marlin dir needs to be copied to the arduino environment.
copy ArduinoAddons\Arduino_x.x.x\sanguino <arduino home>\hardware\Sanguino
Install Ultimaker's RepG 25 build
For SD handling and as better substitute (apart from stl manipulation) download
the very nice Kliment's printrun/pronterface https://github.com/kliment/Printrun
Copy the Ultimaker Marlin firmware
Copy the Marlin firmware
(Use the download button)
@ -213,17 +242,8 @@ Click the Verify/Compile button
Click the Upload button
If all goes well the firmware is uploading
Start Ultimaker's Custom RepG 25
Make sure Show Experimental Profiles is enabled in Preferences
Select Sprinter as the Driver
Press the Connect button.
KNOWN ISSUES: RepG will display: Unknown: marlin x.y.z
That's ok. Enjoy Silky Smooth Printing.
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