2018-01-15 02:46:37 -06:00

238 lines
6.3 KiB

* Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
* Copyright (C) 2016 MarlinFirmware []
* Copyright (c) 2016 Bob Cousins
* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Nico Tonnhofer
* Copyright (c) 2017 Victor Perez
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* HAL for based on Libmaple and compatible (STM32F1)
#ifndef _HAL_STM32F1_H
#define _HAL_STM32F1_H
#ifndef vsnprintf_P
#define vsnprintf_P vsnprintf
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Includes
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <stdint.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Undefine DEBUG_ settings
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#undef DEBUG_ALL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Includes
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "fastio_Stm32f1.h"
#include "watchdog_Stm32f1.h"
#include "HAL_timers_Stm32f1.h"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Defines
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#error "SERIAL_PORT must be from -1 to 3"
#if SERIAL_PORT == -1
#define MYSERIAL0 SerialUSB
#elif SERIAL_PORT == 0
#define MYSERIAL0 Serial
#elif SERIAL_PORT == 1
#define MYSERIAL0 Serial1
#elif SERIAL_PORT == 2
#define MYSERIAL0 Serial2
#elif SERIAL_PORT == 3
#define MYSERIAL0 Serial3
#ifdef SERIAL_PORT_2
#if !WITHIN(SERIAL_PORT_2, -1, 3)
#error "SERIAL_PORT_2 must be from -1 to 3"
#error "SERIAL_PORT_2 must be different than SERIAL_PORT"
#define NUM_SERIAL 2
#if SERIAL_PORT_2 == -1
#define MYSERIAL1 SerialUSB
#elif SERIAL_PORT_2 == 0
#define MYSERIAL1 Serial
#elif SERIAL_PORT_2 == 1
#define MYSERIAL1 Serial1
#elif SERIAL_PORT_2 == 2
#define MYSERIAL1 Serial2
#elif SERIAL_PORT_2 == 3
#define MYSERIAL1 Serial3
#define NUM_SERIAL 1
* TODO: review this to return 1 for pins that are not analog input
#ifndef analogInputToDigitalPin
#define analogInputToDigitalPin(p) (p)
#define CRITICAL_SECTION_START noInterrupts();
#define CRITICAL_SECTION_END interrupts();
// On AVR this is in math.h?
#define square(x) ((x)*(x))
#ifndef strncpy_P
#define strncpy_P(dest, src, num) strncpy((dest), (src), (num))
// Fix bug in pgm_read_ptr
#undef pgm_read_ptr
#define pgm_read_ptr(addr) (*(addr))
#define RST_POWER_ON 1
#define RST_EXTERNAL 2
#define RST_BROWN_OUT 4
#define RST_WATCHDOG 8
#define RST_JTAG 16
#define RST_SOFTWARE 32
#define RST_BACKUP 64
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Types
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef int8_t pin_t;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public Variables
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** result of last ADC conversion */
extern uint16_t HAL_adc_result;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Disable interrupts
#define cli() noInterrupts()
// Enable interrupts
#define sei() interrupts()
// Memory related
#define __bss_end __bss_end__
/** clear reset reason */
void HAL_clear_reset_source (void);
/** reset reason */
uint8_t HAL_get_reset_source (void);
void _delay_ms(const int delay);
extern "C" {
int freeMemory(void);
extern "C" char* _sbrk(int incr);
static int freeMemory() {
volatile int top;
top = (int)((char*)&top - reinterpret_cast<char*>(_sbrk(0)));
return top;
static int freeMemory() {
volatile char top;
return &top - reinterpret_cast<char*>(_sbrk(0));
// SPI: Extended functions which take a channel number (hardware SPI only)
/** Write single byte to specified SPI channel */
void spiSend(uint32_t chan, byte b);
/** Write buffer to specified SPI channel */
void spiSend(uint32_t chan, const uint8_t* buf, size_t n);
/** Read single byte from specified SPI channel */
uint8_t spiRec(uint32_t chan);
* TODO: Write all this eeprom stuff. Can emulate eeprom in flash as last resort.
* Wire library should work for i2c eeproms.
void eeprom_write_byte(unsigned char *pos, unsigned char value);
unsigned char eeprom_read_byte(unsigned char *pos);
void eeprom_read_block (void *__dst, const void *__src, size_t __n);
void eeprom_update_block (const void *__src, void *__dst, size_t __n);
// ADC
#define HAL_ANALOG_SELECT(pin) pinMode(pin, INPUT_ANALOG);
void HAL_adc_init(void);
#define HAL_START_ADC(pin) HAL_adc_start_conversion(pin)
#define HAL_READ_ADC HAL_adc_result
void HAL_adc_start_conversion(const uint8_t adc_pin);
uint16_t HAL_adc_get_result(void);
/* Todo: Confirm none of this is needed.
uint16_t HAL_getAdcReading(uint8_t chan);
void HAL_startAdcConversion(uint8_t chan);
uint8_t HAL_pinToAdcChannel(int pin);
uint16_t HAL_getAdcFreerun(uint8_t chan, bool wait_for_conversion = false);
//uint16_t HAL_getAdcSuperSample(uint8_t chan);
void HAL_enable_AdcFreerun(void);
//void HAL_disable_AdcFreerun(uint8_t chan);
#define GET_PIN_MAP_PIN(index) index
#define GET_PIN_MAP_INDEX(pin) pin
#define PARSED_PIN_INDEX(code, dval) parser.intval(code, dval)
#endif // _HAL_STM32F1_H