56 lines
2.1 KiB
56 lines
2.1 KiB
use crate::gamepad::Gamepad;
use crate::printer::gcode::{G0Command, G91Command};
use crate::printer::{GcodeCommand, Printer};
use euclid::{vec3, Vector3D};
use futures::never::Never;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
/// Time that a single movement command should take
/// For a given GCode buffer size on the machine, we can assume
/// a maximum delay of `TIME_PER_MOVEMENT * BUFFER_COUNT`
const TIME_PER_MOVEMENT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(50);
/// Movement speed of gantry when going full throttle in x/y-direction
/// in units/min (mm/min)
const FULL_SCALE_SPEED_XY: f64 = 1000.0;
/// Movement speed of gantry when going full throttle in z-direction
/// in units/min (mm/min)
const FULL_SCALE_SPEED_Z: f64 = 10.0;
/// Should be mm on most machine including the Leapfrog
pub struct PrinterUnits;
pub type PrinterVec = Vector3D<f64, PrinterUnits>;
/// Jogging the gantry by pumping loads of gcode into the printer board
pub async fn jog(gamepad: Arc<Gamepad>, mut printer: Printer) -> Never {
println!("Sent G91Command");
loop {
let (setpoint_x, setpoint_y, setpoint_z) = gamepad.speed_setpoint();
// We're bound by lower speed on z and have no way to go at separate speeds per axis
let full_scale_speed = if setpoint_z == 0.0 {
} else {
let distance: PrinterVec = vec3(
full_scale_speed * (TIME_PER_MOVEMENT.as_secs_f64() / 60.0) * (setpoint_x as f64),
full_scale_speed * (TIME_PER_MOVEMENT.as_secs_f64() / 60.0) * (setpoint_y as f64),
full_scale_speed * (TIME_PER_MOVEMENT.as_secs_f64() / 60.0) * (setpoint_z as f64),
if distance.length() == 0.0 {
let velocity = distance.length() / (TIME_PER_MOVEMENT.as_secs_f64() / 60.0);
let command = G0Command {
x: distance.x.into(),
y: distance.y.into(),
z: distance.z.into(),
e: None,
velocity: velocity.into(),