bench: 5.16.2 -> 5.16.4 https://github.com/frappe/bench/releases/tag/v5.16.4 erpnext: 14.26.0 -> 14.30.6 https://github.com/frappe/erpnext/releases/tag/v14.30.6 Use new relaxed dependency: rapidfuzz frappe: 14.37.0 -> 14.40.3 https://github.com/frappe/frappe/releases/tag/v14.40.3 Add update.sh script to quickly update all versions in pin.nix Sort erpnext dependencies like upstream Update Readme with docs how to use update.sh script
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# ERPNext on NixOS
### Cachix
Using the https://pub-solar.cachix.org binary cache:
cachix use pub-solar
Or manually add the following lines to your `~/.config/nix/nix.conf`:
substituters = https://cache.nixos.org/ https://pub-solar.cachix.org
trusted-public-keys = cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY= pub-solar.cachix.org-1:ZicXIxKgdxMtgSJECWR8iihZxHRvu8ObL4n2cuBmtos=
Pushing to the https://pub-solar.cachix.org binary cache (in this example, we push the
package `run-erpnext` and its dependencies):
nix develop
nix build --json .#run-erpnext \
| jq -r '.[].outputs | to_entries[].value' \
| cachix push pub-solar
### Updating `bench`, `erpnext`, `frappe` versions and hashes
Versions and hashes are in `srcs/pin.nix`. To quickly update those to the
latest version, run:
cd srcs
# If you need specific versions, specify them as arguments
./update.sh <bench_version> <erpnext_version> <frappe_version>
### NixOS VM
Initial setup:
# Build the test VM
nix build '.#nixosConfigurations.test-vm.config.system.build.vm'
# Start the VM, to generate SSH host key files required for secrets
# In another terminal, get the ed25519 SSH hostkey, then stop the VM with CTRL-c
ssh-keyscan -p 2222 | grep ssh-ed25519
[]:2222 ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMdCOs16W731ftPDqO+X6RZVSdwVVNw2Xfmcpk5pzbeO
# Edit secrets.nix and add the SSH hostkey to machine 'test-vm', starting with 'ssh-ed25519 ...'
sed --in-place \
's|test-vm = .*|test-vm = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMdCOs16W731ftPDqO+X6RZVSdwVVNw2Xfmcpk5pzbeO host@test-vm";|' \
# Rekey the secrets with agenix
cd secrets && agenix --rekey && cd ..
# Build the test VM again
nix build '.#nixosConfigurations.test-vm.config.system.build.vm'
# Start the VM once more
# Access the VM via SSH, use an empty password (Enter) to login
ssh root@localhost -p 2222
# Watch erpnext startup:
# The initial startup can take a few minutes
journalctl -fu erpnext-web.service
# Open https://localhost:8081 in your browser and follow the setup wizard
# User: Administrator
# Password: admin
After the initial setup, make changes, build and run the VM again to test the changes.
# Build the test VM
nix build '.#nixosConfigurations.test-vm.config.system.build.vm'
# Start the VM
Useful for debugging, you can delete a special file in the VM to force the
ERPNext init script to run again. It will then try to initialize the DB again
and create a new site directory.
ssh root@localhost -p 2222
rm /var/lib/erpnext/.db-created
systemctl restart erpnext-web
To reset the VM's data and start fresh, run:
rm nixos.qcow2
Note that this will re-generate SSH host keys and you will need to do the
initial setup again.
### Docker
docker run -d --name erpnext-redis-socketio -p 12311:6379 redis:latest
docker run -d --name erpnext-redis-queue -p 6379:6379 redis:latest
docker run -d --name erpnext-db -p 3306:3306 -e MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -e MARIADB_DATABASE=erpnext -e MARIADB_USER=erpnext -e MARIADB_PASSWORD=erpnext mariadb:latest --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci
nix build .#run-erpnext
# new terminal
nix shell nixpkgs#nginx
nginx -c /tmp/erpnext/nginx-erpnext.conf -g "daemon off;"
# http://localhost:8081
# User: Administrator
# Password: admin
### Links:
- https://erpnext.com
- https://docs.erpnext.com/docs/v14/user/manual/en/setting-up
- https://discuss.frappe.io/t/installing-the-docker-image-on-a-local-machine-without-letsencrypt-so-we-can-access-it-with-http-localhost/87585/7
- https://github.com/frappe/frappe_docker/blob/main/images/production/Containerfile
- https://github.com/frappe/bench
- https://github.com/frappe/erpnext
- https://github.com/frappe/frappe