Fork 0
forked from pub-solar/infra
2023-10-29 00:52:54 +00:00

11 lines
971 B

# The pub.solar infrastructure
This repository contains all almost all of the configuration for the whole pub.solar infrastructure. Our goal is to have everything, from host configurations to Terraform DNS in this repository.
The architecture we are working towards is a vast simplification of what it was before: one dedicated Hetzner server running [NixOS](https://nixos.org/) with all services. Offsite backups go to several different locations with [restic](https://github.com/restic/restic).
## Contributing
If you'd like to contribute, it makes sense to talk to the crew on Matrix via [#hakken](https://matrix.to/#/#hakken:pub.solar?via=chat.pub.solar). We can help figuring out how things work and can make sure your ideas fit the pub.solar philosophy. Of course [popping a pull request](https://docs.gitea.com/next/usage/pull-request#creating-a-pull-request) is always celebrated.
To start, see [how to get a development shell](./docs/development-shell.md).