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# Bootstrapping
This will help you boostrap a bare host with the help of the
[bespoke iso](./ live installer.
_Note: nothing prevents you from remotely executing the boostrapping
process. See below._
Once your target host has booted into the live iso, you need to partion
and format your disk according to the [official manual][manual].
## Mount partitions
Then properly mount the formatted partitions at `/mnt`, so that you can
install your system to those new partitions.
Mount `nixos` partition to `/mnt` and — for UEFI — `boot`
partition to `/mnt/boot`:
$ mount /dev/disk/by-label/nixos /mnt
$ mkdir -p /mnt/boot && mount /dev/disk/by-label/boot /mnt/boot # UEFI only
$ swapon /dev/disk/by-label/swap
# add some extra space to the store, it's running on a tmpfs on your RAM
$ mkdir -p /mnt/tmpstore/{work,store}
$ mount -t overlay overlay -olowerdir=/nix/store,upperdir=/mnt/tmpstore/store,workdir=/mnt/tmpstore/work /nix/store
## Install
Install using the `flk` wrapper baked into the iso off of a copy of devos
from the time the iso was built:
$ cd /iso/devos
$ nixos-install --flake .#NixOS # use same host as above
## Notes of interest
### Remote access to the live installer
The iso live installer comes preconfigured with a network configuration
which announces it's hostname via [MulticastDNS][mDNS] as `hostname.local`,
that is `NixOS.local` in the [iso example](./iso).
In the rare case that [MulticastDNS][mDNS] is not availabe or turned off
in your network, there is a static link-local IPv6 address configured to
`fe80::47`(mnemonic from the letter's position in the english alphabet:
`n=14 i=9 x=24; 47 = n+i+x`).
Provided that you have added your public key to the authorized keys of the
`root` user _(hint: [`deploy-rs`](../integrations/ needs passwordless
sudo access)_:
{ ... }:
users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keyFiles = [
You can then ssh into the live installer through one of the
following options:
ssh root@NixOS.local
ssh root@fe80::47%eno1 # where eno1 is your network interface on which you are linked to the target
_Note: the [static link-local IPv6 address][staticLLA] and [MulticastDNS][mDNS] is only
configured on the live installer. If you wish to enable [MulticastDNS][mDNS]
for your environment, you ought to configure that in a regular [profile](../concepts/
### EUI-64 LLA & Host Identity
The iso's IPv6 Link Local Address (LLA) is configured with a static 64-bit Extended
Unique Identifiers (EUI-64) that is derived from the host interface's Message
Authentication Code (MAC) address.
After a little while (a few seconds), you can remotely discover this unique and host
specific address over [NDP][NDP] for example with:
ip -6 neigh show # also shows fe80::47
***This LLA is stable for the host, unless you need to swap that particular network card.***
Under this reservation, though, you may use this EUI-64 to wire up a specific
(cryptographic) host identity.