
400 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_xpbd_3d::prelude::*;
use bevy::math::DVec3;
2024-04-10 23:12:07 +00:00
use crate::{actor, audio, hud, settings, world, effects};
pub struct ChatPlugin;
impl Plugin for ChatPlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
app.add_systems(Update, (
2024-04-04 16:53:20 +00:00
app.add_systems(PostUpdate, despawn_old_choices);
pub struct StartConversationEvent {
pub talker: Talker,
pub struct SendMessageEvent {
pub conv_id: String,
pub conv_label: String,
pub text: String,
pub struct ChatScriptEvent {
name: String,
param: String,
param2: String,
#[derive(Component, Reflect, Default)]
pub struct ChatBranch {
pub id: String,
pub name: String,
pub label: String,
pub delay: f64,
pub sound: String,
pub level: String,
pub reply: String,
pub goto: String,
pub choice: String,
pub script: String,
pub script_parameter: String,
pub script_parameter2: String,
pub struct Chat {
pub id: String,
pub label: String,
pub timer: f64,
pub struct ChoiceAvailable {
pub conv_id: String,
pub conv_label: String,
pub recipient: String,
pub text: String,
pub struct Talker {
pub pronoun: String,
pub conv_id: String,
impl Default for Talker { fn default() -> Self { Self {
pronoun: "they/them".to_string(),
conv_id: "error".to_string(),
pub fn handle_new_conversations(
mut commands: Commands,
mut er_conv: EventReader<StartConversationEvent>,
mut ew_sfx: EventWriter<audio::PlaySfxEvent>,
q_conv: Query<&Chat>,
time: Res<Time>,
) {
let label = "INIT";
for event in er_conv.read() {
// check for existing chats with this id
let id = &event.talker.conv_id;
let chats: Vec<&Chat> = q_conv.iter().filter(|c| c.id == *id).collect();
if chats.len() > 0 {
// no existing chats yet, let's create a new one
2024-04-05 03:10:03 +00:00
Chat {
id: id.to_string(),
label: label.to_string(),
timer: time.elapsed_seconds_f64(),
2024-04-04 16:53:20 +00:00
fn handle_reply_keys(
keyboard_input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
settings: ResMut<settings::Settings>,
q_choices: Query<&ChoiceAvailable>,
mut evwriter_sendmsg: EventWriter<SendMessageEvent>,
mut evwriter_sfx: EventWriter<audio::PlaySfxEvent>,
) {
let mut selected_choice = 1;
'outer: for key in settings.get_reply_keys() {
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(key) {
let mut count = 1;
for choice in &q_choices {
if count == selected_choice {
evwriter_sendmsg.send(SendMessageEvent {
conv_id: choice.conv_id.clone(),
conv_label: choice.conv_label.clone(),
text: choice.text.clone(),
break 'outer;
count += 1;
selected_choice += 1;
pub fn handle_send_messages(
mut commands: Commands,
mut er_sendmsg: EventReader<SendMessageEvent>,
mut ew_sfx: EventWriter<audio::PlaySfxEvent>,
mut ew_chatscript: EventWriter<ChatScriptEvent>,
mut q_conv: Query<(Entity, &mut Chat)>,
time: Res<Time>,
chat_branches: Query<&ChatBranch>,
mut log: ResMut<hud::Log>,
) {
let now = time.elapsed_seconds_f64();
for event in er_sendmsg.read() {
for (entity, mut chat) in &mut q_conv {
if chat.id != event.conv_id {
if event.conv_label == "EXIT" {
info!("Despawning chat.");
let branches: Vec<&ChatBranch> = chat_branches.iter()
.filter(|branch| branch.id == event.conv_id
&& branch.label == event.conv_label
&& branch.choice == event.text)
if branches.len() != 1 {
2024-04-04 16:53:32 +00:00
error!("Expected 1 branch with ID '{}', label '{}', choice '{}', but got {}! Aborting conversation.", event.conv_id, event.conv_label, event.text, branches.len());
let branch = branches[0];
// TODO despawn the choices
if !branch.reply.is_empty() {
match branch.level.as_str() {
"chat" => log.chat(branch.reply.clone(), branch.name.clone()),
"info" => log.info(branch.reply.clone()),
"warn" => log.warning(branch.reply.clone()),
_ => (),
chat.label = branch.goto.clone();
chat.timer = now + branch.delay;
if branch.sound != "" {
let sfx = audio::str2sfx(branch.sound.as_str());
let choices: Vec<&ChatBranch> = chat_branches.iter()
.filter(|branch| branch.id == chat.id && branch.label == chat.label)
for choice in choices {
if choice.choice.as_str() != hud::CHOICE_NONE {
2024-04-05 00:58:02 +00:00
ChoiceAvailable {
conv_id: choice.id.clone(),
conv_label: choice.label.clone(),
recipient: choice.name.clone(),
text: choice.choice.clone(),
if !branch.script.is_empty() {
ew_chatscript.send(ChatScriptEvent {
name: branch.script.clone(),
param: branch.script_parameter.clone(),
param2: branch.script_parameter2.clone(),
break; // let's only handle one of these per frame
pub fn handle_conversations(
mut commands: Commands,
mut log: ResMut<hud::Log>,
mut q_conv: Query<(Entity, &mut Chat)>,
mut ew_sfx: EventWriter<audio::PlaySfxEvent>,
mut ew_chatscript: EventWriter<ChatScriptEvent>,
time: Res<Time>,
chat_branches: Query<&ChatBranch>, // TODO: use Table for faster iteration?
) {
let now = time.elapsed_seconds_f64();
for (entity, mut chat) in &mut q_conv {
if chat.label == "EXIT" {
info!("Despawning chat.");
if now < chat.timer {
let branches: Vec<&ChatBranch> = chat_branches.iter()
.filter(|branch| branch.id == chat.id
&& branch.label == chat.label
&& branch.choice == "")
if branches.len() != 1 {
error!("Expected 1 branch with ID '{}' and label '{}', but got {}! Aborting conversation.", chat.id, chat.label, branches.len());
let branch = branches[0];
if !branch.reply.is_empty() {
match branch.level.as_str() {
"chat" => log.chat(branch.reply.clone(), branch.name.clone()),
"info" => log.info(branch.reply.clone()),
"warn" => log.warning(branch.reply.clone()),
_ => (),
if chat.label == "EXIT" {
// TODO: isn't this dead code?
chat.label = branch.goto.clone();
if branch.sound != "" {
let sfx = audio::str2sfx(branch.sound.as_str());
chat.timer = now + branch.delay;
let choices: Vec<&ChatBranch> = chat_branches.iter()
.filter(|branch| branch.id == chat.id && branch.label == chat.label)
for choice in choices {
if choice.choice.as_str() != hud::CHOICE_NONE {
2024-04-05 00:58:02 +00:00
ChoiceAvailable {
conv_id: choice.id.clone(),
conv_label: choice.label.clone(),
recipient: choice.name.clone(),
text: choice.choice.clone(),
if !branch.script.is_empty() {
ew_chatscript.send(ChatScriptEvent {
name: branch.script.clone(),
param: branch.script_parameter.clone(),
param2: branch.script_parameter2.clone(),
pub fn handle_chat_scripts(
mut er_chatscript: EventReader<ChatScriptEvent>,
mut q_actor: Query<(&mut actor::Actor, &mut actor::Suit), Without<actor::Player>>,
mut q_player: Query<(&mut actor::Actor, &mut actor::Suit, &mut Position), With<actor::Player>>,
2024-04-10 23:12:07 +00:00
mut ew_sfx: EventWriter<audio::PlaySfxEvent>,
mut ew_effect: EventWriter<effects::SpawnEffectEvent>,
) {
for script in er_chatscript.read() {
match script.name.as_str() {
"refilloxygen" => if let Ok(mut amount) = script.param.parse::<f32>() {
for (mut _actor, mut suit, _) in q_player.iter_mut() {
if script.param2.is_empty() {
suit.oxygen = (suit.oxygen + amount).clamp(0.0, suit.oxygen_max);
else {
let mut found_other = false;
info!("param2={}", script.param2);
for (other_actor, mut other_suit) in q_actor.iter_mut() {
if !other_actor.id.is_empty() {
info!("ID={}", other_actor.id);
if other_actor.id == script.param2 {
found_other = true;
amount = amount
.clamp(0.0, other_suit.oxygen)
.clamp(0.0, suit.oxygen_max - suit.oxygen);
other_suit.oxygen = other_suit.oxygen - amount;
suit.oxygen = (suit.oxygen + amount).clamp(0.0, suit.oxygen_max);
if !found_other {
error!("Script error: could not find actor with ID `{}`", script.param2);
} else {
error!("Invalid parameter for command `{}`: `{}`", script.name, script.param);
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"cryotrip" => {
if script.param.is_empty() {
error!("Chat script cryotrip needs a parameter");
else {
if let Ok((_, mut suit, mut pos)) = q_player.get_single_mut() {
if script.param == "oscillation".to_string() {
*pos = Position(DVec3::new(147e6, 165e6, 336e6));
else if script.param == "metisprime".to_string() {
*pos = Position(DVec3::new(27643e3, -47e3, -124434e3));
else if script.param == "serenity".to_string() {
*pos = Position(DVec3::new(-121095e3, 582e3, -190816e3));
else {
error!("Invalid destination for cryotrip chat script: '{}'", script.param);
suit.oxygen = suit.oxygen_max;
ew_effect.send(effects::SpawnEffectEvent {
class: effects::Effects::FadeIn(Color::CYAN),
duration: 1.0,
2024-04-10 23:12:07 +00:00
"cryofadeout" => {
ew_effect.send(effects::SpawnEffectEvent {
class: effects::Effects::FadeOut(Color::CYAN),
duration: 5.1,
_ => {
let script_name = &script.name;
error!("Error, undefined chat script {script_name}");
fn despawn_old_choices(
mut commands: Commands,
q_conv: Query<&Chat>,
q_choices: Query<(Entity, &ChoiceAvailable)>,
) {
let chats: Vec<&Chat> = q_conv.iter().collect();
'outer: for (entity, choice) in &q_choices {
// Let's see if this choice still has a chat in the appropriate state
for chat in &chats {
if choice.conv_id == chat.id && choice.conv_label == chat.label {
continue 'outer;
// Despawn the choice, since no matching chat was found