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forked from pub-solar/infra

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Changing DNS entries

Our current DNS provider is namecheap. We use Terraform to declaratively manage our pub.solar DNS records.

Initial setup

Skip this step if you already have a triton profile setup.

triton profile create

Please follow https://docs.greenbaum.cloud/en/devops/triton-cli.html for the details.

You will need to setup the following namecheap API credentials, look for "namecheap API key" in the pub.solar Keepass database.


You will probably also need to add your external IP to the API allow list.

dig -4 ip @dns.toys

Now, change into the terraform directory and initialize the terraform providers.

cd terraform
export TRITON_KEY_ID=$(cat ~/.config/triton/profiles.d/lev-1-pub_solar.json | jq --raw-output .keyId)

terraform init

Make your changes, e.g. in dns.tf.

$EDITOR dns.tf

Plan your changes using:

terraform plan -out pub-solar-infra.plan

After verification, apply your changes with:

terraform apply "pub-solar-infra.plan"

We use the Manta remote backend to save the terraform state for collaboration.

Namecheap Terraform provider docs: