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Process for handling a deletion request
- auth.pub.solar ops user credentials
- SSH access to host flora-6
ssh barkeeper@flora-6.pub.solar
sudo --user keycloak kcadm.sh config credentials --config /tmp/kcadm.config --server http://localhost:8080 --realm pub.solar --user ops
# Take note of user id in response from following command
sudo --user keycloak kcadm.sh get --config /tmp/kcadm.config users --realm pub.solar --query email=<email-address>
# Use user id from previous command, for example
sudo --user keycloak kcadm.sh delete --config /tmp/kcadm.config users/2ec6f173-3c10-4b82-9808-e2f2d393ff11 --realm pub.solar