style: avoid usage of top-level "with lib;" #195

teutat3s merged 1 commit from style-avoid-top-level-lib into main 2024-05-27 10:03:43 +00:00

See: This is not strictly top-level usage of with lib;, more similar to the still allowed usage of meta = with lib; { ... };, but I'd like to get used to only getting required stuff into scope.

As a rule of thumb, I used inherit when an attribute from lib was required more than three times.

See: This is not strictly top-level usage of `with lib;`, more similar to the still allowed usage of `meta = with lib; { ... };`, but I'd like to get used to only getting required stuff into scope. As a rule of thumb, I used `inherit` when an attribute from `lib` was required more than three times.
teutat3s added 1 commit 2024-05-19 13:33:59 +00:00
teutat3s changed title from style: avoid usage of top-level "with lib"; to style: avoid usage of top-level "with lib;" 2024-05-19 13:34:08 +00:00
requested reviews from b12f, hensoko, axeman 2024-05-23 09:58:03 +00:00
hensoko approved these changes 2024-05-27 09:42:22 +00:00
teutat3s merged commit 1235a4f878 into main 2024-05-27 10:03:43 +00:00
teutat3s deleted branch style-avoid-top-level-lib 2024-05-27 10:03:43 +00:00
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Reference: pub-solar/infra#195
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