Aaron Raimist 59e05672d0
Convert to use ``` syntax for code blocks
The bit about the matrix-make-user-admin script was messed up (it wasn't actually a code block so the "<username>" was hidden). For me at least it seems like the ``` syntax is much harder to accidentally mess up.
2019-05-10 15:38:22 -05:00

35 lines
1.3 KiB

# Registering users
Run this to create a new user account on your Matrix server.
You can do it via this Ansible playbook (make sure to edit the `<your-username>` and `<your-password>` part below):
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts setup.yml --extra-vars='username=<your-username> password=<your-password> admin=<yes|no>' --tags=register-user
**or** using the command-line after **SSH**-ing to your server (requires that [all services have been started](#starting-the-services)):
/usr/local/bin/matrix-synapse-register-user <your-username> <your-password> <admin access: 0 or 1>
**Note**: `<your-username>` is just a plain username (like `john`), not your full `@<username>:<your-domain>` identifier.
**You can then log in with that user** via the riot-web service that this playbook has created for you at a URL like this: `https://riot.<domain>/`.
If you've just installed Matrix, **to finalize the installation process**, it's best if you proceed to [Configuring service discovery via .well-known](
The script `/usr/local/bin/matrix-make-user-admin` may be used to upgrade a user's privileges:
* log on to your server with ssh
* execute with the username:
/usr/local/bin/matrix-make-user-admin <username>