gluap 33b14b16a3 Fix twist in filename
the file is actually named config.example.json, fix the reference so the copy command works.
2021-10-19 10:03:56 +02:00

2.5 KiB

Deploying an OpenBikeSensor Portal with Docker


The main idea of this document is to provide an easy docker-based production-ready setup of the openbikesensor portal. It uses the the traefik proxy as a reverse proxy, which listens on port 80 and 443. Based on some labels, traefik routes the domains to the corresponding docker containers.

Before Getting Started

The guide and example configuration assumes one domain, which points to the server's IP address. This documentation uses portal.example.com as an example. The API is hosted at https://portal.example.com/api, while the main frontend is reachable at the domain root.


Clone the repo

Create a folder somewhere in your system, we'll name it $ROOT from now on.

Clone the repository to $ROOT/source. Ensure you also cloned the submodules, as described in the main README.

mkdir -p /opt/openbikesensor
cd /opt/openbikesensor
git clone https://github.com/openbikesensor/portal source/

Configure traefik.toml

mkdir -p config/
cp source/deployment/examples/traefik.toml config/traefik.toml
vim config/traefik.toml

Configure your email in the config/traefik.toml. This email is uses by Let's Encrypt to send you some mails regarding your certificates.

Configure docker-compose.yaml

cp source/deployment/examples/docker-compose.yaml docker-compose.yaml
vim docker-compose.yaml

Change the domain where it occurs, such as in Host() rules.

Configure frontend

cp source/frontend/config.example.json config/frontend.json
vim frontend/src/config.json
  • Change all URLs to your domain
  • Create a UUID by using uuidgen and set the clientId

Configure API

cp source/api/config.json.example config/api.json
vim config/api.json
  • Change all URLs to your domain
  • Generate and set a random cookieSecret (for example with uuidgen)
  • Generate and set a random jwtSecret (for example with uuidgen)
  • Configure you SMTP mail server
  • Set the clientId for the oAuth2Client of the portal (from step 3)

Build container and run them

docker-compose up -d

The services are being built the first time this is run. It can take some minutes.



To read logs, run

docker-compose logs -f

If something went wrong, you can reconfigure your config files and rerun:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d