Paul Bienkowski 8c6579b9bf Docs
2021-11-28 22:51:47 +01:00

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Portal Architecture

Here I try to describe how the portal works in general, and which parts are needed and developed in this repository. There is some variation possible for a full setup, for example the data flow of the rendered data tiles can be different. This article describes the standard production setup.

General overview of the components

  • api: A python process using sanic to provide a HTTP interface. Everything revolves around this.
  • postgresql: A database instance.
  • frontend: A React based web application.
  • worker: Optional, a dedicated process for processing of tracks
  • keycloak: An installation of Keycloak which stores user credentials and provides a secure login, registration, password recovery, and more.
  • tools: Scripts to run as an operator of the application for various setup and maintenance task.

Architecture Overview


This is a database instance running the modified postgresql docker image openmaptiles/postgis:6.0. This includes the extensions postgis and hstore, among others, used for geospatial data processing.

You can try to use an external postgresql installation instead of the docker image, however, a lot of prequisites have to be installed into that database.

You can check out how the docker image is generated in its repository and try to replicate that setup. However, this is generally not supported by the developers of the OpenBikeSensor portal.


The API is written in Python 3 with sanic for HTTP handling. It supports Python 3.6+ and comes with a list of dependencies that is required. One of those is openmaptiles-tools, which is installed from git (see api/requirements.txt). The API also depends on the obs.face package, which is included as a submodule and developed in its own repository.

The API has the following tasks:

  • Handle user authentication through keycloak
  • Receive track uploads and serve track data and statistics via a RESTful API
  • Process received tracks (unless using a dedicated worker, see below)
  • Publish vector tiles directly from the database (if installed and configured)


The frontend can redirect to $API_URL/login to trigger a login. The API negotiates a session and redirects the user agent to the keycloak instance. Upon successful authentication, it receives user data and generates a user object (or discovers the existing one) for the authenticated keycloak user.

A session is instanciated and kept alive through a session cookie. The API currently stores session data in memory, so scaling the API process to more replicas is not yet unsupported.


There is not a lot to talk about here. The routes are pretty self explanatory, please refer to the code for the current API. Consider it unstable as of now.

There are routes for general info (version number), track and recording statistics (by user and time range), user management and track management.

Track processing

If a dedicated worker is not used, the API runs the same logic as the worker (see below), in an asyncio "background" task. It is however not threaded, so it may block API request while processing tracks. This is the reason why a dedicated worker is recommended, though for a simple or low traffic setup, it is definitely not required. Configure whether you're using a dedicated worker through the DEDICATED_WORKER api config flag.

Publish vector tiles

Thanks to the OpenMapTiles project, we're able to generate vector tiles from live data, directly in the PostGIS database. The general workflow is as follows:

  • We have defined a schema compatible with the openmaptiles-tools collection that defines how to collect geospatial data from the postgresql database. This depends on its postgis extension for computing geospatial information (e.g. intersecting with a bounding box). This schema consists of a number of layers, which contain SQL code that is used to produce the layer's geometries and their attached properties.
  • The tools/prepare_sql_tiles.py tool calls the respective scripts from openmaptiles-tools, to compile all required SQL code into functions, generate the "destination" function getmvt for generating a vector tile, and store these User-Defined Functions in the database.
  • When a tile is requested from the Map Renderer through /tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf, the API calls getmvt to have postgresql generate the tile's content on the fly, and serves the result through HTTP.

For all of this to work, the openmaptiles-tools must be installed, and the database has to prepared with the functions once, by use of the api/tools/prepare_sql_tiles.py script. That script should be rerun every time the schema changes, but doesn't need to be used if the data in the database was edited, e.g. by uploading and processing a new track.


The frontend is written in React, using Semantic UI (semantic-ui-react and semantic-ui-less), compiled with Webpack. In a simple production setup, the frontend is compiled statically and served by the API.

The openbikesensor-portal image (Dockerfile in repo root) performs the build step and stores the compiled bundle and assets in /opt/obs/frontend/build. The API process can simply serve the files from there.

This is done with a catchall route in obs.api.routes.frontend, which determines whether to serve the index.html or an asset file. This ensures that deep URLs in the frontend receive the index file, as frontend routing is done in the JavaScript code by react-router.

In a development setup the frontend is served by a hot reloading development server (webpack-dev-server), compiling into memory and updating as files change. The frontend is then configured to communicate with the API on a different URL (usually a different port on localhost), which the API has to allow with CORS. It is configured to do so with the FRONTEND_URL and ADDITIONAL_CORS_ORIGINS config options.

Maps in the Frontend

The map data is visualized using maplibre-gl, a JavaScript library for rendering (vector) maps in the browser.

The frontend combines a basemap (for example Positron with vector tiles from Mapbox or from a custom OpenMapTiles schema vector tile source) with the overlay data and styles. The overlay data is generated by the API


The Worker's job is to import the uploaded track files. The track files are stored as-is in the filesystem, and will usually follow the OpenBikeSensor CSV Format, as they are generated by the measuring device.

The worker imports and uses the obs.face scripts to transform the data and extract the relevant events. Those are written into the PostgreSQL database, such that it is easy to do statistics on them and generate vector tiles with SQL code (see "Publish vector tiles" above).

The worker determines in a loop which track to process by looking for the oldes unprocessed track in the database, ie. an entry in the track table with column processing_status set to "queued". After proessing the track, the loop restarts after a short delay. If the worker has not found any track to process, the delay is longer (typically 10s), to generate less load on the database and CPU.

This means that uploading a track, within 0-10s the processing is started. Bulk-reprocessing is possibly by just altering the processing_status of all tracks you want to reprocess in the database directly, e.g. using the psql command line client, for example:

UPDATE track SET processing_status = "queued" WHERE author_id = 100;

The worker script is api/tools/process_track.py. It has its own command line parser with --help option, and uses the config.py from the API for determining the connection to the PostgreSQL database.


The use of keycloak as an authentication provider simplifies the code of the portal immensely and lets us focus on actual features instead of authentication and its security.

The portal might be compatible with other OpenID Connect providers, but only the use of Keycloak is tested and documented. You can try to integrate with a different provider -- if changes to the code are needed for this, please let us know and/or create a Pull Request to share make the software better!

The keycloak configuration is rather straightforward, and it is described shortly for a testing setup in README.md.

For the full, secure setup, make sure to reference the Keycloak documentation at https://www.keycloak.org/documentation.